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Contract Between George Noble Jones & Jimmy Nellicliffe, Sarah Nellicliffe, et.al.
Nellicliffe, Sarah
Nellicliffe, Elsey
Robinson, Abram
Robinson, Leannah
Robinson, Jackson
Nellicliffe, Richard
Nellicliffe, Priscilla
John Henry
Nellicliffe, Rebecca
Ash, Prince
Ash, Jerry
Ash, Johnny
Ash, Louisa
Green, Dick
Green, Frank
Green, Russ
Williams, Caesar
Williams, Caesar, Jr.
Williams, Robert
Williams, D.
Butler, Aberdeen
Butler, Whaley
Butler, Minna
Butler, Mary
Russ, Chesley
Date of Contract
Land Worked
State of Florida Jefferson County The undersigned laborers agree with G. Noble Jones to work on his El Destino Plantation or elsewhere from the first of January eighteen hundred and sixty-seven to the 25th December next. To obey all lawful orders of the said G. Noble Jones or his agents and generally to do and perform all acts heretofore required of Plantation laborers. In consideration of the faithful performance by the undersigned laborers of the aforesaid agreement the said G. Noble Jones agrees at the end of the year aforesaid: 1st - To pay to the said laborers one third of all crops which may be planted, gathered, & housed, [crossed out: ginned and packed] by squads or companies, each squad or company to draw their own shares to be subdivided among the members pro rata, that is to say to each full hand a full share and to each three quarter, half, or quarter hand, three fourths, a half, or a fourth of a share respectively. 2nd - To furnish to the said companies provisions at the market value, for each at their own expense. The value of the said provisions and of all other advances to be deducted from their share of the crop. 3rd - To furnish to each company mules for the cultivation of the crops, also provisions for the same. Each company being responsible for the safety and good care of the mules entrusted to it. In witness whereof the parties of these presents have hereto subscribed their names or marks, G. Noble Jones signing for himself and the heads of families for themselves.
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
Jones, George Noble. Contract Between George Noble Jones & Jimmy Nellicliffe, Sarah Nellicliffe, et.al. 1867-02-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269174>, accessed 16 March 2025.
Jones, George Noble. Contract Between George Noble Jones & Jimmy Nellicliffe, Sarah Nellicliffe, et.al. 1867-02-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269174>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Jones)