Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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Daniel, Martha
Blacker, William
Blacker, Jesse
Blacker, Charles
Richardson, George
Stevens, Rube
Blacker, Clare
Cheatam, Pearse
Stevens, Hannah
Hart, Mark
Hart, Chanie
Swarward, Wylie
Swarward, Tattie
Anderson, Bale
Anderson, Tom
Anderson, Ann
Reedy, Smith
Reedy, Sarah
Reedy, Tom
Griffin, Smith
Griffin, Sarah
Reedy, Tildie
Mobley, Henry
Lybrand, William
Lybrand, Martha
Turnboat, Henry
Paign, Tildie
Paign, Tom
Mitchel, Milage
Mitchel, Nathan
Mitchel, Butler
Kemp, Nelson
Simkins, Isaac
Mitchel, Ann
Simkins, Victory
Strather, Louis
Strather, Hester
Simkins, Adrien
Date of Contract
Land Worked
Mark Hart [his X mark] Chanie Hart Wylie Swarward [his X mark] Tattie Swarward Bale Anderson [his X mark] Tom Anderson [his X mark] Ann Anderson Smith Reedy [crossed out] Sarah Reedy [crossed out] Tom Reedy [crossed out] Smith Griffin [his X mark] Sarah Griffin Tildie Reedy [crossed out] Henry Mobley [crossed out] William Libran [his x mark] [Lybrand] Martha Libran [Lybrand] Henry Turnboat [his X mark] Tildie Paign Tom Paign [his X mark] Asa May Milage Mitchel his X mark] Nathan Mitchel [his X mark] Butler Mitchel [his X mark] Nelson Kemp his X mark] Isaac SImkins [his X mark] Ann Mitchel Adrien Simkins [his X mark] Victory Simklins [his X mark] Louis Strother [his X mark] Hester Strother State of South Carolina __________ District Before the undersigned came ______ a subscribing witness to the foregoing Articles of Agreement who being duly sworn says that he knows the parties whose names are attached to the foregoing Articles and that they signed, sealed and executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein specified. And I further certify that I am Judge _____ , that said Court is a Court of record and has jurisdiction in said State and District and that the said Court has a Clerk and Seal. Milage Daniel [his X mark] Martha Daniel William Blacker [his X mark] Jesse Blacker [his X mark] Charles Blacker [his X mark] George Richardson [his X mark] Rube Stevens [his X mark] Clare Blacker [his X mark] Pearse Cheatam [his X mark] Hannah Stevens [overwritten sideways] All differences on account of this contract not mutually settled to be referred to a Board of Arbitration composed of two reliable citizens and agent of the B.R.F. & A.L. whose decision shall be final. By order of Col. J. T. Sprague A.Com A.B. Crunwell Bt capt & S.A. Com B.R.F.& A. L.
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
May, Asa. Contract Between Asa May & Milage Daniel, Martha Daniel, et.al. 1867. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269183>, accessed 19 March 2025.
May, Asa. Contract Between Asa May & Milage Daniel, Martha Daniel, et.al. 1867. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 19 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269183>
AP Style Photo Citation