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Contract Between William H.H. Nichols & Jolly Harris, George Harris, et.al.
Date of Contract
Land Worked
State of Florida Jefferson Co. Station #2, November 24th, 1866 This agreement made this the 24th day of November, A.D. 1866, between Wm. H. H. Nichols of the State and County above, named of the first part, and Jolly Harris, George Harris, and Jim Harris, freedmen of the same State and County, of the second part. Witnesseth that the said Nichols of the first part agrees to furnish one hundred acres of land, (3) three mules, (2) two yokes of oxen, and one wagon, and feed said mules and oxen, pay all blacksmiths bills and furnish corn and cotton seed to plant said land. The said Jolly Harris, George Harris, Jim Harris, of the second party, agree to cultivate said one hundred acres of land, and to plant (50) fifty acres of said land in cotton and (50) fifty in corn. They also bind themselves to be personally responsible for all mules, oxen wagons, and whatever other property that may be placed in their hands, and to return the same in good order. They furthermore bind themselves to obey all orders or instructions given by said Nichols in reference to the farm; they also bind themselves severally to hold the entire product of the land that they may cultivate, subject to the control of said Nichols, until the debt or debts contracted by themselves shall be paid.They, each one for himself, bind themselves to deliver to the said Nichols, by the first of December, five thousand pounds of lint cotton packed and delivered in good order; they also agree besides to give said Nichols one-third of the product of said land. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us. Witnesses W. L Bond J. J. J. Willie Jolly Harris [his X mark] George Harris [his X mark] Jim Harris [his X mark] U.S. I.R. Stamp 10 cents Nov. 24, 1866 For value received, Wm. H. H. Nichols of Jefferson County Florida [does] hereby transfer and set over to Bond & Co. of the County of Jefferson and State of Florida the within agreement together with all the interest I may now have or may hereafter have and authorize them to take and receive all the profits that may accrue to me by virtue of said agreement, and I do agree to remain on the place mentioned in said agreement and continue my superintendence management and control and perform all the duties and obligations mentioned in said agreement
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Chicago Manual of Style
Nichols, William H.H. Contract Between William H.H. Nichols & Jolly Harris, George Harris, et.al. 1866-11-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269188>, accessed 19 March 2025.
Nichols, William H.H. Contract Between William H.H. Nichols & Jolly Harris, George Harris, et.al. 1866-11-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 19 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269188>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Nichols)