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Name index of election return for Alligator - Courthouse in Columbia County (Fla.)
Ross, Wm. B.
Bryant, Silvester
Crews, Joseph M.
Click here to sort by name
Worthington, S. |
Williams, J. T. |
Golsbey, Charles |
Ivey, John |
Wilkison, Joseph |
Wright, Levy |
Bryant, Thom. |
Bryant, Jno. F. |
Smith, L. A. |
Jones, Jon. A. |
Wadsworth, Saml. |
Watters, Joseph |
Jones, Daniel |
Hancock, Shedrick |
Long, R. |
Ives, W. M. |
Roberts, Ali |
Lane, Harmon |
Wood, A. D. |
Gillett, Anderson |
Bryant, Langley |
Carter, Levy H. |
Smith, Henry |
Williams, Rolan |
Blount, R. |
Bains, Geo. |
Niblack, Jno. |
Hunter, H. G. |
Markum, W. |
Parrish, Tercy (Terry) |
Pierce, William |
Watters, Henry |
Salter, J. R. |
Sapp, Elisha |
Gillett, Wm. |
Blount, Riley |
Rutledge, Jno. T. |
Keen, Moses |
Stewart, A. A. |
Keen, James |
Daniel, Isaac |
Walker, West |
Deleny, John |
Daniels, Alan |
Browman (Browan), Daniel |
Keen, David |
Bryant, Jno. |
Jones, Arther |
Light, William |
Stewart, Daniel |
Dangerfield, W. R. |
Holder, T. B. |
Hicks, Jesse |
Coward, Larkin |
Tillis, Thoams |
Friese, M. H. |
Osteen, Leander |
Pierce, Jno. |
Summerlin, Jacob |
Parker, Streeti |
Ross, W. B. |
Herrington, Henry |
Slade, S. F. |
Crouse, J. M. |
Bryant, Silvester |
Blue, David |
Hair, Martin |
Swett, Abener |
Curey, Joel |
Keen, Shed K. |
Sapp, Shed K. (Shek) |
Lane, Benjamin |
Keen, Wm. H. |
Summerlin, Jacob Jr. |
Godfrey, Wm. |
Cottle, Rubin |
Corbin, Moses |
Roberts, Asa |
Keen, Geo. |
Carter, Jesse |
Pelotte, Jn. C. |
Parker, Elisha |
Morgan, Jackson |
Raulerson, Nick |
Tier, Cameron |
Morgan, Daniel |
Roberts, Wm. H. |
Thomas, Ezekiel |
Morgan, F. P. |
Loftin, F. |
Scarborough, S. |
Walker, Elias |
Williams, W. A. |
Davidson, Jno. |
Prevatt, Rubin |
Tillis, Richd. |
Keen, A. J. |
Carter, W. A. |
Carter, J. J. |
Raulerson, Jacob |
Bryant, L. Sr. |
Barber, Saml. |
Wright, Riley |
Walker, Ansel |
Barco, Stephen |
Hancock, Darham |
Tanton, Geo. |
Browning, F. B. |
Johnston, James H. |
Allan, A. T. |
Golsbey, T. H. |
Lowe, Jno. W. |
Chicago Manual of Style
Ross, Wm. B. Alligator - Courthouse (Columbia County). 1845-05. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/271181>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Ross, Wm. B. Alligator - Courthouse (Columbia County). 1845-05. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/271181>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Ross)