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tural lands, the knowledge of which had been but lately gained through the Florida Experimental Agricultural Stations of the United States Government.
When one combines tropical conditions, seashore, Indian River, wonderful highways, tropical verdure, all forms of pleasure and recreational pastimes, wonderful products of the soil, the value of Florida's pleasure-satisfying and health-giving lands are beyond present computation.
Florida contains 37,000,000 acres of land- 6,000,000 acres mroe than the entire State of New York. But about 2,000,000 acres of this land are under cultivation. Imagine the result when all the available agricultural possibilities of Florida are developed.
The fashionable, seashore, tropical belt of Florida lies approximately between Stuart and Miami, a distance of about 110 miles. Any one financially able to obtain a residence on the seashore, will require at least 100 feet- there are 5,280 feet to the mile, let us say 53 lots- therefore the total lots facing on the Atlantic Ocean in the territory mentioned are but 5,830 lots. The millionaires produced by the increase in Florida's realty alone will require many times the amount of land available. Its depth is also restricted, as though this entire territory, the Everglades prescribe its depth.
Visualize what must be the effect upon the prices of this realt with an ever-increasing demand, and nowhere enough land to supply the market.
This entire territory is ablaze with development. There must be one continuous Riviera of the World between Stuart and Miami. The
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History of
THE history of Olympia- Picture City runs parallel with that of the State of Florida.
Before the United States Government purchased Florida at approximately five cents per acre from Spain, it deeming it of little value but to protect itself from lawbreakers who found it easy refuge there, it have been the custom of the King to reward loyal Spaniards who had performed deeds of valor or any signal service, by a grant of land in Spain's fairest flower.
The land had been explored from end to end. its condition was well charted. Invariably were these grants made between what is now Palm Beach and Stuart.
The so-called Gomez grant which now embraces the Olympia and Gomez sections of Picture City also included the entire ocean frontage of Bon Air Beach or waht is properly known as Jupiter Island.
When one crosses the south bridge at Jupiter lightouse, the finest ocean driveway in the entire world is open for approximately the entire distance to Saint Lucie Inlet. Nowhere in the State- nor in any other state- nor in any other country in the world- will one find its equal.
[Picture of]
President Harding on Olympia Golf Links
It is common history that when the United States purchased Florida, considerable litigation arose over disputed Spanish grants and also claims for homestead rights. Settlers claimed many thousands of acres. The Supreme Court of the United States in limiting the valid claims, handed down a very memorable decision which stated that noe one could obtain a homestead legally any further than one's eyes could see.
The Gomez grant has never been questioned. It has been confirmed by a survey made by the United States Government.
Many attempts were made from time to time to purchase the Gomez and other large Spanish grants, without success. The King had given it them and ancestral pride demanded a refusal and it was not quite until recently that the tremendous increment from what had been deemed a plaything to many, induced and compelled their sale.
It is common rumor that when Henry M. Flagler desired to locate "Palm Beach" he exerted every possible endeavor to obtain the Gomez grant upon which to locate that city, and it was not until all his efforts had failed that he went elsewhere. The land lying between Palm Beach and Miami is on the average but a few feet above sea-level, whereas the landy lying between Palm Beach in a northerly direction towars Studart is high, rolling country, permitting a view of the ocean, and possesses all the advantages of height. High ground in Florida means natural drainage and natural drainage makes land free of palmetto and mangrove growth, excepting where immediately adjacent to waterways, wheras one is confronted where land is low and where rain water is imprisoned, by practically an impenetrable jungle. High land is pine
[Picture of]
Home of Mr. A Compagna at Olympia Beach
land and through myriads of pine trees one can see every phase and condition of typography. Such is the Gomez tract situated well otuside of the frost belt in fashionable, tropical, seashore Florida. Its treopical verdure cannot be excelled. Starting at approximately 22 miles in a northerly direction from Palm Beach, Olympia- Picture City extends many miles along the Dixie Highway and has at the present time two railroad stations on the property: Olympia and Gomez with Fruita immediately adjacent. Two more, namely, Picture City and New Deauville are contemplated.
The domains of Olympia- Picture City, a charter for which has been applied to the Florida legislature, extends along the Atlantic Ocean for a distance of seven and a half miles. Its beach for bathing purposes has long been recognized as Florida's most popular and fashionable bathing center. With the exclusion of fresh-water lakes or artificial waterways, Olympia- Picture City extends along the Indian River about nine miles, a combined frontage of ocean and river of 25 1/2 miles.
Eight Presidents of the United States adopted this famous Indian waterway, extending from Dupont almost to Palm Beach, a distance of about 150 miles, as their own. one of the last pilgrimages the late President Harding made was here and no inspection is complete without viewing the rock upon which President Grover Cleveland has spent many happy hours in the compaionship of the late Joseph Jefferson, whose home was and still is one of the finest anywhere, located in Olympia- Picture City, facing the Indian River.
The River is unexcelled for fishing. One is unable to count the
[Picture of]
"Blowing Rocks" - Olympia Beach
myriads of all varieties of fish which constantly distrub the otherwise placid waters of this famous stream.
Who has not heard of the Indian River orange? Along its banks are found the finest citrus groves in the entire world, and nowhere more so than within the domains of the frostless territory embraced in Olympia- Picture City.
Take a map of the world: Follow the line of latitude and you will find that the same line which traverses the seashore, tropical, fashionable belt of Florida, in which Olympia- Picture City is located, traverses the South Sea Islands, Algeria, Morocco, the tip of Australia and other tropical countries, so that the Almighty has given to Florida a portion of the tropics which will be reached, quoting Preisdent Warfield of the Seaboard Air Line, "in the ner future, one night out from New York City." From the rigors of the severe winter season with streets covered with snow and lush, one can by the most luxiours means, reach the sun-kissed shroes of tropical Florida one day after leaving.
Altitude only varies latitude.
When one can combine a tropical latitude with high altitude, the condition must be ideal. The altitude of Olympia- the Picture Cite rivals at least any heigth along the Atlantic coast in the entire State of Florida.
Railroad, boat and Dixie Highway:
Unquestionably the finest railroad facilities in the entire world are located within the domains of the U.S.A. and without a doubt the [10]
[Picture of]
The Indian River at Olympia
best accommodations in point of luxury is the railroad service to tropical, seashore Florida. In addition thereto, many boats constantly travel between northern ports and Florida. But lately the steamer "H.F. Alexander" has been transferred to the Florida service and makes the trip in forty-eight hours from New York City. Many hundreds of thousands of automobilies have found the highways to Florida perfect in every detail and the Dixie Highway extending throughout the entire length of Olympia- Pciture City, is the main artery of Florida and the National Highway.
In the charter of the Florida East Coast Line there is a provision that every passenger train must stop at Olympia station.
The most fertile country in the entire world is the so-called "Everglades" of Florida. It was long the boast that the Valley of the Nile contained the most fertile land of the world, but as against its four feet depth of fertility, the Everglades contain twelve feet of the most fertile land the world has ever known. Here are raised every form of products of the soil and come to fruitiion at a time when the northern part of the United States is absolutely barren.
The Everglades immediately adjoin the western boundary of Picture City. It is the most fertile land throughout the entire world.
Influence of Back-Country Development in Stabilizing Values:
There can be no gainsaying that the backbone and permanency of Florida lies in its agricultural potentialities. Nowhere in the entire world is land so fertile as Florida's.
The inception of the present appreciation of the value of Florida's realty arose through the realization of the conditions of its agricul-
[Picture of]
Tangerine Grove Casino in the background
tural lands, the knowledge of which had been but lately gained through the Florida Experimental Agricultural Stations of the United States Government.
When one combines tropical conditions, seashore, Indian River, wonderful highways, tropical verdure, all forms of pleasure and recreational pastimes, wonderful products of the soil, the value of Florida's pleasure-satisfying and health-giving lands are beyond present computation.
Florida contains 37,000,000 acres of land- 6,000,000 acres mroe than the entire State of New York. But about 2,000,000 acres of this land are under cultivation. Imagine the result when all the available agricultural possibilities of Florida are developed.
The fashionable, seashore, tropical belt of Florida lies approximately between Stuart and Miami, a distance of about 110 miles. Any one financially able to obtain a residence on the seashore, will require at least 100 feet- there are 5,280 feet to the mile, let us say 53 lots- therefore the total lots facing on the Atlantic Ocean in the territory mentioned are but 5,830 lots. The millionaires produced by the increase in Florida's realty alone will require many times the amount of land available. Its depth is also restricted, as though this entire territory, the Everglades prescribe its depth.
Visualize what must be the effect upon the prices of this realt with an ever-increasing demand, and nowhere enough land to supply the market.
This entire territory is ablaze with development. There must be one continuous Riviera of the World between Stuart and Miami. The
[Picture of]
A scene on the property
opening up of the territory beteen stuart and Palm Beach has just begun. It is the Fifth Avenue of Florida, the finest land throughout the entire world. Its height- its rolling country- its tropical climate- the Atlantic Ocean- the Indian River- its highways- its railroad facilities, all combine in the making of a stretch of country which must ever increase in value and desirability.
For the first time the finest stretch of territory in fashionable tropical seashore Florida, that lying between Palm Beach and Stuart, is being opened.
When land is offered to the Public in the position in which this territory finds itself at the present time, prices quoted are but a bid for population. Population creates values. The whole of Manhatttan Island sold for $24, and that is all it was worth at the time. Nowhere in the history of the entire world has there been such an influx of population as Florida has been undergoing at the present time- and it has not started.
Of course someone will say, "What about Florida's industrial position?" When Peter Minuet purchased the Island of Manhattan, Jansen Brouwer turned to him and said, "Your Excellency,' is this not a bad purchase. Where are its industries?"
Florida has and will have just as many industries as any other country in the making ever had.
Generally when property finds itself in a sub-divided state where all improvements have been made, property is offered to a public of
[Picture of]
Part of folg course overlooking the Indian River
ultimate consumption. Olympia- Picture City, is an effort to obtain population, is offering its lots, approximately 50' by 150', practically three northern size lots, at a price which gives ample room for tremendous speculative possibilties in point of increasing values. The land is finest in all Florida if not the entire world. Nowhere, at any price, can any property in any development even rival this wonderful territory. In other development enterprises, situated within this wonderful stretch of tropical, seashore, fashionable Florida, are lots being offered to the Public at a price in the many thousands.
Nowhere in Florida can any property at least rival Olympia- Picture City's territory.
The entire approximate 10,000 acrs of Olympia- Picture City have been laid out with wide boulevards and streets, so that all owners of land therein must unite in the making oc a city complete. Many of its avenues are 100 feet in width and none of its streets less than 50 feet in width, with numerous park spaces. The general plan of the City of Washington, D.C., has been followed, it being recognized as the greatest city planning of all time.
The Olympia section of Picture City has long been recognized as one of the most fashionable sections of seashore, tropical Florida. The beach extends from St. Lucie Inlet to Jupiter Lightouse and has for very many years been the home of the noertherner who long before the wholesale exodus to Florida, recognized it to be the garden spot of this wonderful territory.
[Picture of]
A home on the property
Olympia section has its own water plant- recognized to be at least the finest water in the entire state- its own electric light plant- ice plant- public bathing beach- golf course- tennis courts- yacth harbor- inns- churches- school- miles of improved roads- immediately at railroad stations- located along the Atlantic Ocean- the Indian River- the Dixie Highway. Its tropical growth is unrivaled. Here will be found the royal palm in all its beauty. Citrus fruits are abundant. Avacado pear trees, guava trees, almond trees are prolific in their growth. Its horticulture is famous- words fail to describe its manifold beauties.
The Legislature of Florida has been asked to approve the application for a charter for the incorporation of the municipality. A boulevard is now in course of construction from the Dixie Highway to the Atlantic Ocean, through the Eastern portion of Olmpia- Picture City. Along the Western portion, the development of New Deauville, Picture City Park, Studio Park, and other developments are actually in progress- cities within cities. The entire territory is ablaze. When one considers what has been done in the few months in which this territory has been open to the general public for the first time, the prognostication for its future must be beyond present computation.
Every lot purchaser binds himself when purchasing, to a zoning agreement which permits Olympia- Picture City to regulat at all times improvements of every known character and description, to
[Picture of]
Side view- Tangering Grove Casino
regulate and preserve a general scheme of development for the best interest of all its purchasers
It is almost impossible to present but briefly to the general public a survey of what is occurring in the State of Florida at the present time and the whys and wherefores thereof.
But a few years ago Florida was in the throes of reconstruction along the lines of other Southern states after the trying period through which it had passed during the Civil War. As is the case with all the secessionist States, it was very proud and felt that it needed no outside assistance. Some few years ago, the United States Government established agricultural stations throughout the State and taught its inhabitants for the first time the utilitarian purposes of its soil.
The land almost immediately produced many times its selling value in crops yearly and the recognition of this condition has caused what is tantamount to a stampede and Floridians, recognizing the value of population, are welcoming the incomer with open arms. The physical condition of much of the State of Florida is such that it will require many years to improve the territory so that it can be sued to its greatest advantage and open it up for the use of settlers, and as the territory is opened up values invrease with improvements.
These improvements are being made State-wide and therefore one hears of a "boom" in one section of the State after another.
Its domain however, is so large and the amount of capital, population and physical improvements is so great, that it will be many years before the appreciation of values in the State of Florida will cease.
In the playground section of Florida, property increase is in its infancy, in point of values.
[Picture of]
One of many palm lined avnues in Olympia- Picture City
Here it is that people care not waht property formerly sold at, what price it will eventually bring; they are buying health.
This country is very prosperous. No longer do its people toil from seven to seven as of but a few years, comparatively past, and the country today is financially able to purchase health.
Nowhere in the entire world is it for sale in its complete form as in the State of Florida within the limits of the tropical, seashore, frostless belt.
We have all seen the tremendous increment in value of the playgrounds of the Northern Atlantic seashore coast.
This increment was occasioned primarily by reason of the fact that seashore is a disease. When one is inoculated with that virus. When the heated season arrives, the system demand seashore.
That disease however was more or less local.
Not so in Florida. It is nation-wide.
Florida has become the playground of the United States. It has not started in point of appreciation or in knowledge. Probably not over one per cent, of the entire population of the United States has become acquainted with Florida's health-giving potentialities. Florida is here to stay. It is not a whim or a caprice or a fashion. Men like John D. Rockefeller, Otto Kahn, Cyrus H.K. Curtis, Judge Elbert H. Gary, Henry Ford, Harry Firestone, John Ringling, Barron Collier- why try to mention them, their names are legion, representatives of the highest types of American leaders in finance and in industry are all sponsors for Florida's permanency.
Now regarding the skeptic!
There is a well-known story of the shoemaker who petitioned a king of France and headed the petition with this statement: "We, the People..."
[Picture of]
Proposed Picture City Station
Those who are skeptical regarding Florida's position- they who think they are the people of the U.S.A. as did this poor, misguided shoemaker- are those who do not know- who have not investigated- those who do not want to know and who are generally those who were born with a "no." Ask any one who has been to Florida about Florida and let their answer guide you in your determination in making and investment in Florida's realty selected by competent and trustworthy realty operators.
[Picture of]
Gomez road
Owing to the fact that Olympia- Picture City embraces amny thousands of acres of land, it is impossible to present to the public, in a booklet, other than the above map- which shows only in very small detail, the size and magnitude of the property.
[Picture of]
A scene on a private estate in Olympia- Picture City
[Picture of]
A scene on the property
Personal Direction of
"Back in the misty ages of geological creation, the God of Nature looked down the path of time, foresaw the American continent teeming with millions of people, rolling in wealth, hungering for fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and sea-food, and looking for winter playgrounds; so in order to meet the needs fo a great coming American continent, Nature placed Florida between the Gulf and the sea, to become the matchless wonder of the future.
"When the measureless forces of creation placed this peninsula (Florida) in the happiest latitude and longitude on earth, laving it with tropic seas, dotting it with silver rivers and lakes, fringing it with crystal bays, clothing it with climactic luxury, warming it with generous sunbeams, bathing it with copious showers, dowered it with graceful forests, filled its bosom with phosphate, coquina and clays, stocked its waters with fish, supplied it with 425 species of song birds, fanned it with breezes from the Gulf Stream, lighted it with betwitching moonbeams, watering it with mammoth springs, bounding it with matchless beaches, covering it with responsive soil, placing it in the semi-tropical zone, it made "The Land of Unlimited Opportunities."
Chicago Manual of Style
History of Olympia - Picture City - booklet. 1926. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297497>, accessed 26 February 2025.
History of Olympia - Picture City - booklet. 1926. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 26 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297497>
AP Style Photo Citation