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Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Boston Herald.
Burke, Arleigh Albert, 1901-1996
Castro, Fidel, 1927-2016
Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959
Internal security
Johnston, Olin Dewitt, 1896-1965
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894-1971
Mundt, Karl Earl, 1900-1974
Muste, A.J. (Abraham Johannes), 1885-1967
Politics and government
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr., 1917-2007
United Nations
Geographic Term
General Note
Will This Happen Here?
When Castro took over Cuba, people were slaughtered by the hundreds and hauled off to a mass grave. This could happen in America, if the Communists gain control.
It has now been well established that Fidel Castro, the new dictator of Cuba is working with the Communists. Known Communists have been established in important positions.
Worse Than A Communist
Recently Senator Olin Johnson (D-S.C.) called Cuban Prime Minister Castro a "wofl in sheep's clothing" who is "more dangerous than a Communist."
Johnson issued a statement calling for "bolder action from the United States toward Cuba."
He said it was "time the State Department became worried" and "my only regret is that officials have waited so long to become alarmed and worred."
He said Castro, although claiming not to be a Communist, "Is doing the work of Communists for Communists under the cloak of a liberator for freedom." Johnson said Castro's land reform was a program of confiscation of private property.
Cancerous Infection May Spread to U.S.
Thus we have a cancerous infection 90 miles off the shore of the United States and only five minuted by airplane. The United States is sleeping in the shadow of a revolutionary country. A Russian bomber armed with H bombs could destroy the State of Floirda in one single blow, in less than five minutes after it took off from a Cuban airfield.
It has recently been reported that what possibly may be a submarine base is being built off the Cuban coast. This was discovered at Cayo Largo, 65 miles south of Cuba, where Fidel Castro is building huge tanks. Officials of the Cuban Government claim they are to store fresh water and that Castro will turn Cayo Largo into a tourist resort. This does not make much sense, since Cuba's tourist hotels, night clubs, and other facilities are already half empty.
The huge tanks being installed hold one hundred thousand gallons, and are the type used to hold Diesel Oil, not water. The tank valves are located on the water side and are buried in the sand near the shore where submarines could easily come along side and fuel. This is the same type of submarine installations the Russians have built in two other locations, Albanian and Syrian waters.
Now, with the help of Fidel Castro, the potential enemy will have a submarine base within 90 miles of the American coast.
This presents an extremely dangerous situation, for now they will not have to go back to home waters to refuel.
Admiral Arleigh Burke has warned publicly that in case of war with Russia, underwater missiles could be launched from subs as 700 miles inland. This could happen from the tip of Florida to Detroit, Michigan. An attack such as this would require the Russian submarines to lie off the United States coast for many weeks, wainign for attack day. With Communist-controlled Cuba as a refueling base, it would make it possible for the Russian subs to do this. Thus, we are sleeping in the shadow of an H bomb, ready to explode at any day, any hour, any moment.
Communist Activities Within The U.S.
We must also be on guard against Communist activities within our own borders, for there are many fellow-travelers, egg-heads, and organizations servingv the Communist cause, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Only recently, the nation was shocked when Senator John F. Kennedy, introduced a bill which would repeal the non-subversis affidavit requirement for students receiving loans under the National Defense Education Act.
Under the 1958 Act, a college student who wants to borrow money from the Federal Goverment to defray the cost of his education, must first swear allegiance to the United States and file an affidavit to the effect that he does not belong to any organization intent on overthrowing the United States Government. Senator Karl Mundt, (R-S.D.) pointed out the loans were being given as a defense measure - and defense is not promoted by aiding students who advocate overthrowing the Government.
Kennedy has a record of voting 100 percent ADA line and gave up his independnece for ADA support. (The Americans for Democratic Action is an anti-anti-Communist organization who supports all left-wing legislation, and has a pro-Communist record.)
Kennedy's voting record, somehow, has never been featured in his campaigns for office. He obviously wants to keep it that way.
In his 1958 campaign, he achieved a feat which, as far as investigation can determine, is unexampled in modern politics.
He earned the endorsement of the Massachusetts Americans [break]
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Will This Happen Here?
When Castro took over Cuba, people were slaughtered by the hundreds and hauled off to a mass grave. This could happen in America, if the Communists gain control.
It has now been well established that Fidel Castro, the new dictator of Cuba is working with the Communists. Known Communists have been established in important positions.
Worse Than A Communist
Recently Senator Olin Johnson (D-S.C.) called Cuban Prime Minister Castro a "wofl in sheep's clothing" who is "more dangerous than a Communist."
Johnson issued a statement calling for "bolder action from the United States toward Cuba."
He said it was "time the State Department became worried" and "my only regret is that officials have waited so long to become alarmed and worred."
He said Castro, although claiming not to be a Communist, "Is doing the work of Communists for Communists under the cloak of a liberator for freedom." Johnson said Castro's land reform was a program of confiscation of private property.
Cancerous Infection May Spread to U.S.
Thus we have a cancerous infection 90 miles off the shore of the United States and only five minuted by airplane. The United States is sleeping in the shadow of a revolutionary country. A Russian bomber armed with H bombs could destroy the State of Floirda in one single blow, in less than five minutes after it took off from a Cuban airfield.
It has recently been reported that what possibly may be a submarine base is being built off the Cuban coast. This was discovered at Cayo Largo, 65 miles south of Cuba, where Fidel Castro is building huge tanks. Officials of the Cuban Government claim they are to store fresh water and that Castro will turn Cayo Largo into a tourist resort. This does not make much sense, since Cuba's tourist hotels, night clubs, and other facilities are already half empty.
The huge tanks being installed hold one hundred thousand gallons, and are the type used to hold Diesel Oil, not water. The tank valves are located on the water side and are buried in the sand near the shore where submarines could easily come along side and fuel. This is the same type of submarine installations the Russians have built in two other locations, Albanian and Syrian waters.
Now, with the help of Fidel Castro, the potential enemy will have a submarine base within 90 miles of the American coast.
This presents an extremely dangerous situation, for now they will not have to go back to home waters to refuel.
Admiral Arleigh Burke has warned publicly that in case of war with Russia, underwater missiles could be launched from subs as 700 miles inland. This could happen from the tip of Florida to Detroit, Michigan. An attack such as this would require the Russian submarines to lie off the United States coast for many weeks, wainign for attack day. With Communist-controlled Cuba as a refueling base, it would make it possible for the Russian subs to do this. Thus, we are sleeping in the shadow of an H bomb, ready to explode at any day, any hour, any moment.
Communist Activities Within The U.S.
We must also be on guard against Communist activities within our own borders, for there are many fellow-travelers, egg-heads, and organizations servingv the Communist cause, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Only recently, the nation was shocked when Senator John F. Kennedy, introduced a bill which would repeal the non-subversis affidavit requirement for students receiving loans under the National Defense Education Act.
Under the 1958 Act, a college student who wants to borrow money from the Federal Goverment to defray the cost of his education, must first swear allegiance to the United States and file an affidavit to the effect that he does not belong to any organization intent on overthrowing the United States Government. Senator Karl Mundt, (R-S.D.) pointed out the loans were being given as a defense measure - and defense is not promoted by aiding students who advocate overthrowing the Government.
Kennedy has a record of voting 100 percent ADA line and gave up his independnece for ADA support. (The Americans for Democratic Action is an anti-anti-Communist organization who supports all left-wing legislation, and has a pro-Communist record.)
Kennedy's voting record, somehow, has never been featured in his campaigns for office. He obviously wants to keep it that way.
In his 1958 campaign, he achieved a feat which, as far as investigation can determine, is unexampled in modern politics.
He earned the endorsement of the Massachusetts Americans [break]
This is obviously not a picture of you, but it could be, if you do not stop the creeping cancer of Communism.
[continued] for Democratic Action in the same week that he landed the enthusiastic support of a staunch Republican newspaper, the Boston Herald, which has gone on record as looking upon an ADA endorsement as somewhat equivalent to a stamp of approval from Nikita Khrushchev.
The red-hot "liberals" have never been confused about Kennedy's true leanings. They watch the voting records closely and know that this rich young man is truly dependable when the roll is called in the Senate.
The ADA repeatedly has called for the repeal of the Smith Act. Because the Smith Act makes it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of our Government, says the ADA, it infringes upon individual rights. The ADA works closely and interlocks with the American Civil Liberties Union. As an example- Arthur Schlessinger, Jr., Harvard professor is an ADA founder and serves on the National Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union and has five Communist front citations.
ACLU, a Communist Front
There are other organizations serving the Communist cause, among them the American Civil Liberties Union. From its very inception, it has served Communist causes. It was founded by The Fellowship of Reconciliation, the largest left-wing pacifist group in the United States. For years, A.J. Muste, was the Executive Secretary of this organization. A.J. Muste is a presbyterian Minister, of New York, N.Y., and was the leader of the American Trotskyites. He has 32 Communist front citations.
A.J. Muste also served on the National Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union. According to the 4th report, Un-American Activities in California, 1948: "The American Civil Liberties Union may be definately classed as a Communist front "transmission belt" organization. At least 90 perent of its efforts are expanded on behalf of Communists who come into conflict with the law. While it professes to stand for free speech, a free press, and free assembly, it is quite obvious that its main function is to protect Communists in their activities of force and violence in their program to overthrow the Government."\
The Communist character of the ACLU is further indicated in an article published in the Open forum for March 6, 1948, the official publication of ACLU: "For Congress to outlaw the Communist Party as 'subversive' or as 'an agent of a foreign government' would be unconstitutional.'"
Among ACLU achievements of which they boast are the following:
1. Forced Army to stop circulating the pamphlet, How To Spot A Communist, among personnel.
2. Took action with the Red International Worker's Order, to quash the Gwinn Amendment, requiring loyality oaths by tennants of U.S. aided housing projects.
3. Blacked order requiring Security Clearance for American technical workers over-seas.
4. Protested to Commerce Department, against setting up OSI to stop disclosures of data of strategic importance to Russia.
5. Demanded that Federal Communications Commission withold licenses from radio and television stations which dischardged or refused to employ, artists with pro-Communist records.
6. Demanded that Secretary Dulles withdraw order baning books by pro-Communist authors, from overseas OSIA libraries.
7. Protested United Nations' dismissal of 20 American U.N. employees against whom there was evidence of pro-Communist association or activities.
8. Spearheaded the Stop McCarthy drive of 1954 and attempted move to censure him.
9. Actively opposed the enactment of the Internal Security (McCarran Act) Act of 1952.
10. Following the conviction of 11 top Communists under the Smith Act, issued a 40 page statement demanding repeal of Smith Act.
11. Issued 16 page pamphlet denouncing internal policies of the AF of L at a time when the Federation was leading an international flight to drive the communists out of the labor movement.
12. Issued protest against discharge of teachers with Communist records.
13. Issed statement to the President demanding abolition of the Federal Loyality Program.
The foregoing is quite an un-American record. The American Civil Liberties Union loudly professes to be a patriotic American organization. This is merely a smoke screen which it hides behind so it may carry on its ulterior motives. there is something you can do to stop the spread of cancerous Communism - support your Citizen's Council or support any patriotic organization in your Community. As an individual, you are but a cry in the wilderness, but working together, in an organized effort you can be heard. Act now! It is later than you think.
Take a good look at the picture of a mass burial of political prisoners. This is a typical trademark of the Communists when they take over a country. This could happen here if the creeping cancer of Communism is not stopped.
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Association of Citizens' Councils of Florida. Wake Up America: Will This Happen Here?. 1950 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326750>, accessed 14 March 2025.
Association of Citizens' Councils of Florida. Wake Up America: Will This Happen Here?. 1950 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326750>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Association of Citizens' Councils of Florida)