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The Kladd will then collect from each Klansman present the countersign and password. As he approaches a Klansman, that Klansman will whisper the words into the ear of the Kladd and resume his seat immediately. If a Klansman should not have the word he will remain standing. The Kladd will proceed around the Klavern to all present. After he has finished he will return to the E.C. and report as follows.
Kladd: Your Excellency: I respectfully report that all present are Klansmen worthy of the honor of sitting during the deliberations of this Klonklave. (If any present have not the words, the Kladd will add to the above:) "Except thos standing before you; they presume to be Klansmen, but they have not the words.
The E.C. Will ascertain of the Kligrappy if the ones standing are worthy; if so, he will instruct them to advance to his station and procure the words. If they are not worthy all ceremony must cease until they become worthy or are ejected from the Klavern. if there by visiting Klansmen present they must be invited to the E.C. Station at this time, met by him, then faced toward the sacred Altar and introduced to the Klan. All Klansmen will arise and give the visiting Klansmen Tsog. The visiting Klansmen will respond with Tsog. The visiting Klansmen will respond with Tsog. This done the E.C. will give two raps with his gavel and say:
My Terrors, you will take your respective stations as your names are called.
The E.C., sitting in his station, will call the roll of officers. When an officer's name is called, he will arise and answer: "Here," and proceed to his station, stand erect and face the Sacred Altar. (If an officer is absent his substitute will arise and call his own name, and say: Substitute, and proceed to-
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[continued] -his station.) When the names of the Klexter and Night-Hawk are call the Klarogo will answer for them if they are present, but if either of them or both of them should be absent, the Klarogo will give the names of their substitutes and so state.
No one will be allowed to sit on the station with an officer unless by consent of the E.C.
The E.C. will then arise; when he arises the Terrors will face him and salute; he will return the saltue and charge them as follows:
My Terrors: Your fellow Klansmen hold you in high esteem. You have been chosen to fill an important place in the affairs of this Klonklave and to set an example to all Klansmen of perfect observance of our oath and dutiful devotion to our great fraternity. Therefore, I charge you to discharge, every duty incumbent upon you with dispatch, efficiency and dignity. Preserve peace and observe due decorum in our deliberations at this time, and perservere with honor in promoting and guarding well every interest of the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klan.
The E.C. will then give three raps and command:
E.C. "My Terrors and Klansmen, mae ready: All will arise and put on their robes but leave their helments off, and remaind standing. (Robing may be omitted if there by no candidates in waiting, at the discretion of the E.C.) He will then say:
E.C. Prepare the Sacred Altar.
The alter furnishings having been previously paced, the Klokard will advance to the Sacred Altar from his station with the altar flag and sword; standing on side of Sacred Altar next to Klaliff's station, he will place- [break]
Geographic Term
Association of Florida
Exalted Cyclops ---- (President)
Klaliff ----- (Vice-President)
klokard ------ (Lecturer)
Kludd ------ (Chaplain)
Kligrapp ----- (Secretary)
Klabee ---- (Treasurer)
Kladd ---- (Conductor)
Klarogo ---- (Inner Guard)
Klexter ----- (Outer Guard)
Klokann (plural) - Board of 3 Investigators, Auditors, Advisers, and Trustees)
Night-Hawk ------ (In Charge of Candidates)
Just prior to the openingof the Klanklave, and the Klaliff will procure the mounted flag and stand it at and in front of his stations; the Klokard will procure the alter glaf and the unsheathed sword and place same on his station with the flag folded compactly; the Kludd will procure the vessel containing the dedication fluid and the Bible and put same on his station; and the Night Hawk will procure the Firey Corss and stand it at and in front of the station of the E.C.
The time having arrived for the opening of the Klonklave, the E.C. (in his absence his substitute) will ascend his station, and standing will give one rap with his gavel and say:
All present who have not attained citizenship in the invisible Empire, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klan, will retire to the Outer Den under the escrot of the Night-Hawk.
The Klexter and Klarago will take their posts and faithfully guard the entrance to this Klavern.
E.C. will then command
The Kladd of the Klan: The Kladd will advance to the point about five feet in front of the station of the E.C., Salute and say: Kladd, the Kladd, your excellency:
E.C. You will asertain with care if all present are Klansment worthy to sit in the Klavern during the deliberations of this Klonklave:
Kladd: "I have your orders, Sir.
The Kladd will then collect from each Klansman present the countersign and password. As he approaches a Klansman, that Klansman will whisper the words into the ear of the Kladd and resume his seat immediately. If a Klansman should not have the word he will remain standing. The Kladd will proceed around the Klavern to all present. After he has finished he will return to the E.C. and report as follows.
Kladd: Your Excellency: I respectfully report that all present are Klansmen worthy of the honor of sitting during the deliberations of this Klonklave. (If any present have not the words, the Kladd will add to the above:) "Except thos standing before you; they presume to be Klansmen, but they have not the words.
The E.C. Will ascertain of the Kligrappy if the ones standing are worthy; if so, he will instruct them to advance to his station and procure the words. If they are not worthy all ceremony must cease until they become worthy or are ejected from the Klavern. if there by visiting Klansmen present they must be invited to the E.C. Station at this time, met by him, then faced toward the sacred Altar and introduced to the Klan. All Klansmen will arise and give the visiting Klansmen Tsog. The visiting Klansmen will respond with Tsog. The visiting Klansmen will respond with Tsog. This done the E.C. will give two raps with his gavel and say:
My Terrors, you will take your respective stations as your names are called.
The E.C., sitting in his station, will call the roll of officers. When an officer's name is called, he will arise and answer: "Here," and proceed to his station, stand erect and face the Sacred Altar. (If an officer is absent his substitute will arise and call his own name, and say: Substitute, and proceed to-
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[continued] -his station.) When the names of the Klexter and Night-Hawk are call the Klarogo will answer for them if they are present, but if either of them or both of them should be absent, the Klarogo will give the names of their substitutes and so state.
No one will be allowed to sit on the station with an officer unless by consent of the E.C.
The E.C. will then arise; when he arises the Terrors will face him and salute; he will return the saltue and charge them as follows:
My Terrors: Your fellow Klansmen hold you in high esteem. You have been chosen to fill an important place in the affairs of this Klonklave and to set an example to all Klansmen of perfect observance of our oath and dutiful devotion to our great fraternity. Therefore, I charge you to discharge, every duty incumbent upon you with dispatch, efficiency and dignity. Preserve peace and observe due decorum in our deliberations at this time, and perservere with honor in promoting and guarding well every interest of the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klan.
The E.C. will then give three raps and command:
E.C. "My Terrors and Klansmen, mae ready: All will arise and put on their robes but leave their helments off, and remaind standing. (Robing may be omitted if there by no candidates in waiting, at the discretion of the E.C.) He will then say:
E.C. Prepare the Sacred Altar.
The alter furnishings having been previously paced, the Klokard will advance to the Sacred Altar from his station with the altar flag and sword; standing on side of Sacred Altar next to Klaliff's station, he will place- [break]
[continued] -directly across center of Altar the sword, with hilt toward the E.C., then spread the flag across Altar with stars to his left and on opposite edge of flag from him, then turn back upper corner of flag from him, then turn back upper corner of flag to allow room for vessel of fluid to be palced there without the vessell touching the flag, and then take position No. 1; (see digram [sic], facing the Sacred Altar. [sic]
As he leaves the Sacred Altar, the Kludd will advance to the Sacred Altar with the Bible and vessel of dedicating fluid; standing at point of sword, he will place the Bible, opened at the 12th chapter of Romans, on and near teh corner of Sacred Altar to his left and next to him, and the vessel of fluid on and near the corner of Sacred Altar to his right and opposite side from him, and takes position No. 2, see (digram [sic]) and face the Sacred Altar.
As he leaves the Sacred Altar, the Klaliff will advance to the Sacred Altar with the mounted flag and will stand flag direcrtly out from corner of Sacred Altar at his left about one foot from corner of Sacred Altar, and take position No. 3, (see digram [sic]) facing the Sacred Altar.
The Klokard, from his position, carefully surveys the Sacred Altar to make sure it is properly prepared, corrects any imperfections in its preparations, if any; from his position he faces the E.C. (the other three Terrors will do likewise) and addresses the E.C. as follows:
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[continued] Klokard. "Your Excellency, the Sacred Altar of the Klan is prepared, the Firey Corss illumines the Klavern.
E.C. Faithful Klokard, why the firey Cross?"
Klokard. Sir, it is the emblen of that sincere, unselfish devotedness of all Klansmen to the sacred purpose and principles we have espoused.
E.C. My Terrors and Klansmen, what means the Firey Cross?
All. "We serve and sacrifice for the right."
E.C. "Klansmen all: You will gather for our opening devotions."
When he says this he will arise. The Kludd will advance to the Sacred Altar and take position near the point of the sword. All Klandmen will form on the quadrate, forming straight lines between these four poistions; occupied by Terrors from the corners of the quadrate. The Terrors, in taking these positions, should step out far enough to accommodate the members between them, about an equal number on each side of quadrate. The distance between Klansmen in this quadrate must be about three feet. If there be more than enough to form one line, the others will form back of the first line, and so on until all are in poisition. Great care must be exercised to form the quadrate correctly and symmetrically with the Sacred Alter in as near exact center as possible. When the formation is compled all will join in singing the following opening Klode:
My country, tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims, pride, from ev'ry mountain side, Let Freedom ring.
Our Father's God; to Thee, author of libery, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be brigt, With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King:
After singing, the Kludd at the Sacred Altar leads in the following prayer. (all must stand with ehads reverly bowed.)
Our Father and our God. We, as Klansmen, acknowledge our dependence upon Thee and Thy loving kindness toward us; may our gratitude be full and constant and inspire us to walk in Thy ways.
Give us to know that each Klansmen by the process of thought and conduct determines his own destiny, good or bad: May he forsake the bad and choose and strive for the good, rememerbing always that the living Christ is a Klansman's criterion of character.
Keep us in the blissful bond of fraternal union, of Klannish fiedlity one toward another and a devoted loyalty to this, our great institution. Give us to know that the crowning glory of a Klansman is to serve. Harmonize our souls with the sacred priciples and purposes of our noble Order that we may keep our sacred oath inviolate, as Thou art our witness.
Bless those absent from our gathering at this time: They peace be in their hearts and homes.
God save our nation; And help us to be a nation worthy of existence on the earth. Keep ablaze in each Klansman's heart the
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[continued] -sacred fire of a devoted patriotism to our country and its government.
We invoke Thy blessings upon our Grand Dragon, and his official family, in the administration of the affairs pertaining to the government of the Inivisible Empire. Grant them wisdom and grace, and may each Klansman's heart be inclined toward them in loving loyalty and unwavering devotion.
Oh, God: For Thy glory and our good we humbly ask these thigs in the name of Him who taught us to say when we pray:
(All Klansmen will repeat with Kludd.)
Our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed by They name. They Kingdom come, They will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptations, but deliver from us: For Thine is the Kinddome, and the power, and the glory, forever.
After the Prayer, all the facing the Sacred Altar, will give together Tsog and holding same wills say, For my country, the Klan, my fellow Klansmen and my home. Then all give the N.H. to the flag.
The Kludd will advance from the Sacred Altar and occupy position No. 2, the E.C. faces the assembly, and gives one rap with gavel; at this each Klansman will face him and give Tsotf-c, then Tsok-1, then raise Tsos, and then Tsok-c; as he responds with Tsok-c they will recover. He hold Tsok-c and says:
My Terrors and Klansmen; In the sacred cause we have entered, be thou gaithful unto
death; be patriotic toward our country; be Klanish toward Klansmen; be devoted to our great fraternity.
He recovers Tsok-c and says: My Terrors and Klansmen; What is the sworn duty of a Klansman in Klonklave assembled?
All will answer in union-To maintain peace and harmony in all the deliberations of the Klan in Klonklave assembled, and take heed to instructions given.
The E.C. will then give two raps with his gavel. After all are seated he will say.
E.C. "I now officially proclaim that this Klonklave of Klan No_______ of the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Klans, duly open for the dispatch of business.
E.C. Faithful Klarogo: You may now admit all qualified Klansmen, but guard well the portal to this Klavern. The Night-Hawk (in his absence, the Kladd) will extinguish the Firey Cross.
He gives one rap with his gavel, takes his seat and proceeds with the regular order of business.
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The order of business having been finished, the E.C. will arise, give one rap with his gavel and say:
'My Terrors and Klansmen: The sacred purpose of the gathering of the Kland at this time has been fulfilled; the deliberations of this Klonklave have ended."
E.C. "Faithful Klaliff: What is the four-fold duty of a Klansman?"
The Klaliff will arise and say: Klaliff: "To worship God; be patriotic toward our country; be devoted and loyal to our Klan, and to practice Klannisheness toward his fellow Klansmen." (And remains standing.)
E.C. "Faithful Kludd: How speaketh the oracles of our God?"
The Kludd will arise and say:
Kludd. "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. Render unto the state the things which are the state's. Love the brotherhood: honor the Grand Dragon. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (And remains standing.)
E.C. "Faithful Klokard: What does a Klansman value more than life?"
The Klokard will arise and say:
Klokard: "Honor to a Klansman is more than life." (And remains standing.)
E.C. "Faithful Klaliff: How is a Klansman to preserve his honor?"
Klaliff: "By the discharge of duty in the faithful keeping of his oath." (And remains standing.)
E.C. "What say you, my Terrors?"
All the other officers arise and say in unison:
Officers: "Your excellency: The immaculate truth ahs been spoken." (And remain standing.)
E.C. "What say, my fellow Klansmen?"
All members will arise and say in unison:
Members. "Amen!" (And remain standing.)
E.C. "My Terrors and Klansmen: You know well the duty of a Klansman; be thou not recreant to duty's demands as we go hence from this Klavern to enter the stressful struggle of the alien world. Protect your honor by keeping inviolate your sacred oath."
The E.C. then gives one rap with his gavel, and gives the Sok-c, which is answered by all. All will recover the Sok-c together.
E.C. "The crowing glory of a Klansman is to serve, 'Non Silba Sed Anthar." (All will say: "Not for self but for others." "Let us be faithful in serving our God, our country, our home and out fellow Klansmen."
The E.C. will then give one rap with his gavel and say:
E.C. "My faithful Klansmen: As peace dwells among us you will assemble for our parting devotions."
All will assemble on the quadrate formed as in opening ceremony (the Klarago and Klexter making secure their respective doors): The Kludd stands at the Sacred Altar.
All will stand facing the Sacred Altar and come to the Sotf-c, and resting palms on jack of each other, thus paralleling the Ars, and will join in singing the following closing Klode:
(Tune Dennis-SM.)
All Standing
"Blest be the Klansman's tie
Of real fraternal love,
That binds us in a fellowship
Akin to that above."
Each will then stand with left hand over the heart and the right resting on the left shoulder of the Klansman to the right.
E.C. "Klansman: United in the sacred bond of Klannish fidelity we stand, but divided by selfishness and strife we fall: shall we stand, or shall we fall?"
All will answer:
"We will stand; four our blood is not pledged in vain."
Gtnh and then stand with bowed heads: the Kludd standing at the Sacred Altar will pronounce the following benediction:
The Benediction
"May the blessings of our God wait upon thee and the sun of g,lory shine around thy head: may the gates of plenty, honor, and happiness be always open to thee and thine. so far as they will not rob thee of enternal joys.
"May no strife distrub thy days, nor sorrow distress they nights, and when death shall summon thy departure may the Saviour's blood have washed thee from all impurities.
perfected thy initiation, and thus prepared, enter though into the Empire Invisible and repose they soul in perpetual peace."
"Amen!" (All say, "Amen."
The benediction having been pronounced, the E.C. will immediately return to his station, give one rap with gavel and say:__
E.C. "I now officially proclaim that this Konklave of _____ Klan No. _____ of the Association of Florida Klans, duly of the Association of Florida Klans, duly closed. The Klan will gather again in (refular or special) Konklave_____ night."
He will say:
E.C. "Klansmen, One and All." Saying this he Ltsos, which all will do likweise. All will then give and hold Tsog, and the E.C. will say:
E.C. "To you, faithful Klansmen, good night." All will say: "Your Excellency, good night!" He and they will recover Tsog, together. The E.C. gives on rap and announces:
"The Kladd and the Night-Hawk will gather and make secure the poprties of the Klan."
"The Klan is dismissed. Faithful Klarogo: you will open the portal that all Klansmen amy pass to the outer world."
On going out each Klansman MUST to it that the robe and helment worn by him is carefully and properly placed in locker or other place for safe keeping, if he does not carry same home with him by permission fo the E.C.
When the ceremony of naturalization shall have been reached in the regular order of business, the Klarogo will signal by Allw to the Klexter, who will repeat the signal to the Night-Hawk in the Outer Den with candidates. Prior to the signal the Night-Hawk will have presented a blank Petition of Citizenship to each candidate, requesting him to read and sign same. (Said petition to be witnessed by the Night_Hawk.) He wuill collect from each candidate the Kelectokon, if same has not been previously paid. On hearing the signal of the Klexter he will excuse himself from the candidates and will approach the outer door of the Inner Den and give thereon seven raps (having in his possession the petitions of the cadidates and Klectokons by him collected).
Klexter. "Who dares to approach so near the entrance of this Klavern?"
N.H. "The Night-Hawk of the Klan."
Klexter. "Advance with the countersign."
(The N.-H. will then give the countersign in a low whispher through the wicket.)
Klexter. (Will open the outer door and say) "Pass,"
The N.-H. passes the outer door into the Inner Den of the Klavern and at once enrobes completely and then approaches and signals on the innter door *** X. The klarago will open the wicket. When the wicket is oepned the N.-H. will Gallw. Klarogo "Who seeks entrance to the Klavern?"
N.H. "The Night-Hawk of the Klan with [break]
important information and documents from the alien world for His Excellency."
The Klarogo secures the wicket, salutes and reports to the E.C.
Klarago. "Your Excellency: The Night-Hawk of the Klan is respectfully waiting to enter the Klavern with important information and documents from the alien world."
E.C. "You will permit him to enter."
Klarago. (Through the wicket Gallw, which is answered by the N.-H. with Allw, and gives the password through the wicket.) The the Klarago open the door and says: "You have His Excellency's permission to enter." The N.-H. enters, steps across the threshold of the Klavern, stands erect and Gtsog; all will answer by the same from their seats. The N.-H. will then proceed to the Altar. Arriving at the Altar, the Gtnh, then Gtsof-c, and stands erect and steady.
E.C. "Faithful Night-Hawk, you may now speak and import to us the important information in your possession."
N.H. (bows and speaks.) "Your Excellency: sir: pursuant to my duty in seeking laudable adventure in the alien world, I found these men (Here he gives their names). They having read the Imperial proclamation of our Grand Dragon, and promoted by unselfish motives, desire a nobler life. In consequence they have made the honorable decision to forsake the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation and emigrate to the delectable bounds of the Invisible Empire and become loyal citizens of the same."
E.C. "Faithful Night-Hawk: This is indeed important information, and most pleasant to hear. Important, in that it evidences-
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[continued] -human progress; most pleasant in that it reveals through you a Klansman's sincere appreciation of his sacred mission among men and his fidelity to duty in the betterment of mankind. Their respective petitions will be received and justly considered."
N.-H. (Bows ans says): "Sir, I have in my possession the required Petitions for Citizenship of the men named, together with the Klectokons."
E.C. "Then you will approach and deliver same to the Kligrapp who will publish them to all Klansmen in Klonlave assembled."
The N.-H. will deliver the petitions and Kelectokons to the Kligrapp and resume his position at the altar. The Kligrapp will then arise and publish the names of the petitioners and hand the petitions to the E.C. and resume his seat. The E.C. will say:
E.C. "Klansmen, you have heard the publication of the Petition for Citizenship in the Invisible Empire of (here he gives the names). Does any Klansman on his oath of allegiance know of any just reason why these aliens, or any of them, should be denied citizenship to the Invisible Empire?"
If there be no objections, the E.C. will address the Night-Hawk:
E.C. "Faithful Night-Hawk, you will inform these alien petitioners from me:
"That it is the constant disposition of a Klansman to assist those who aspire to things noble in thought and conduct, and to extend a helping hand to worthy. That their desires are sincerely respected, their manly petions are being seriously considered in the light of justice and honor. With truth faith a man may expect a just anser to his- [break]
prayers and his virtuous hopes will ultimately riped into a sublime fruition."
The Night-Hawk bows and says: "I have your orders, Sir." and retires to the outer door of the Inner Den of the Klavern and through the wicket of the outer door informs the candidates as follows:
N.-H. "Worthy Aliens: His excellency, the Exalted Cyclops, being the direct representative of His Majesty, our Grand Dragon, and chief guardian of the portal of the Invisible Empire, has official insturcted me to inform you that it is the constant dispostion of a Klansman to assist those who aspire to things noble in thought and conuct and to extand a helping hand to the worthy. Therefore, your desires are sincerely respected and your manly petitions are being seriously considered in the light of justice and honor. With truth faith you may expect a just answer to your prayers, and your virtuous hopes will ultimately riped into a sublime fruition. This is the decision of His Excellency, the Exalted Cyclops, with all his Klan occuring."
The Night-Hawk returns to his station in the Klavern without form.
E.C. "Faithful Klokard: You will examine under witness the alien petitioners, as to their qualifications."
The Klokard, with his assistants, the Klaliff and the Kludd, retires to the Outer Den and will propound to the candidates in waiting the following required "Qualifying Interrogatories," and the immediately administers Sections I and II of the "Oath of Allegiance"; requiring each candidate to place his left hand over his heart and raise his right hand to Heaven.
Qualifying Interrogatories
The Klokard will first ask each candidate his name and then speak to the candidates in the Outer den as follows:
"Sirs: The Association of Florida Klans, Florida Ku Klux Klan, as a great and essentially a patriotic, fraternal, benevolent Order, does not discriminate against a man on account of his religious or political creed, when same does not conflict with our antogonize the sacred rights and privileges guaranteed by our Civil government, and Christian ideals and institutions.
Therefore, to avoid any misunderstanding as unjustly the requirements of this Order upon anyone who cannot, on account of his religious or political scruples, voluntarily meet our requirements and faitfully practice our principles, and as proof that we respect all honest men in their sacred convictions, whether same are agreeable with our requirements or not, we require as an absolute necessity on the part of each of you an affirmative answer to each of the following questions:
Each of the following questions must be (each of) you with an emphatic "Yes."
1st. Is the motive prompting your ambition to be a Klansman serious and unselfish?
2nd. Are you a native-born, white, Gentile, American citizen?------
3rd. Are you absolutely opposed to and free of any allegiance of any nature to any cause, government, people, sect or ruler that is foreign to the United States of America?
4th. Do you believe in the tents of the
Christian religion?----
5th. Do you esteem the United States of America and its institutions above any other government, civil, political or ecclesiastical, in the whole world?-----
6th. Will you, without mental reservation, take a solemn oath to defend, preserve and enforce same?
7th. Do you believe in Klannishness and will you faithfully practice same toward Klansmen?-----
8th. Do you believe in and will you faithfully strive for the eternal maintenance of white supremacy?-------
9th. Will you faithfully obey our Constitution and Laws, and conform willingly to all our usages, requirements and regulations?------
10th. Can you be always depended on?------
He then administers Sections I and II of the oath.
This done, he, with his assistants, will return to the Sacred Altar, he will salute and report as followd: "Your Excellency: (Here state the number of petitions)-------- Men in waiting have each duly qualified to enter our Klavern to journey through the Mystic Cave in quest of citizenship in the Invisible Empire."
E.C. "Faithful Klokard, you and your assistants will resume your stations."
E.C. "The Kladd of the Klan!" The Kladd will arise and advance to a position immediately in front of the E.C. and about five feet from his station, and salute and say:
Kladd: "The Kladd, Your Excellency!"
E.C. "You will retire under special orders to the outer premises of the Klavern, assume charge of the worthy aliens in waiting, and afford them a safe journey from the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation to the Sacred Altar of the empire of chivalry, industry, honor and love."
Kladd. Salutes the E.C. and says: "I have your orders, Sir!" He retires tot eh room where the candidates are. Lines them up in single file, the left hand of the rear man on the left shoulder of the man in front. He then takes his place in front of them and says "Follow me and be (a man) men!" He proceeds to the outer door of the Inner Den and gives thereon * O.
Klexter. (Opens the wicket and says): "Who are you, and what is your business?"
Kladd. "I am the Kladd of Klan No. ______ Realm of ______, acting under special orders of His Excellency, our Exalted Cyclops; I am in charge of a party!"
Klexter. "What be the nature of your party?"
Kladd. "Worthy aliens from the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation prompted by unselfish motive, desire the honor of citizenship in the Invisible Emprie and the fellowship of Klansmen."
Klexter. "Has your party been selected with care?"
Kladd. "These men (or this man) are (or is) known and vouched for by Klansmen in Klonklave assembled."
Klexter. "Have they (or has he) the marks?"
Kladd. "The distinguishing marks of a Klansman are not found in the fibre of his- [break]
[continued] garments or his social or financial standing, but are spiritual; namely, a chivalric head, a compassionate heart, a prudent tongue and a courageous will. All devoted to our country, our Klan, our homes and each other; these are the distinguishing marks of a Klansmen, oh Faithful Klexter! And these men claim the marks."
Klexter. "What if one of your party should prove himself a traitor?"
Kladd. "He would be immediately banished in disgrace from the Invisible Empire without fear or favor, conscience would tenaciously torment him, remorse would repeatedly revile him, and direful things would befall him."
Klexter. "Do they (or does he) know all this?"
Kladd. "All this he (or they) now know. He (or they) has (or have) heard, and they must heed."
Klexter. "Faithful Kladd: You speak the truth."
Kladd. "Faithful Klexter: A Klansman speaketh the truth in and from his heart. A lying scoundrel may wrap his disgraceful frame with the sacred robes of Klansman's robe and deceive the very elect, but only a Klansman possesses a Klansman's heart and a Klansman's soul."
Klexter. "Advance with the countersign."
The Kladd advances and whispers the countersign through the wicket to the Klexter.
Klexter. (Opens the doors and says): "With heart and soul, I, the Klexter of the Klan, welcome you and open the way for you [break]
[continued] to attain the most noble achievement in your earthly career. Be faithful and true unto death and all will be well and your reward will be sure. Noble Kladd, pass with your party!"
The Kladd, with his party will pass the outer door and stop. he then will give Allw. The Klarogo, upon hearing the Liw, will announce:
Klarago. "Your Excellency and Klansmen assembled. I hear from the watch the signal of the Kladd of the Klan with a party!"
E.C. "My Terrors and Klansmen, one and all; make ready!"
Each Klansman present will put on his costume, completely buttoned and girdles tied and capes adjusted; all lights must be turned down so as to make the Klavern almost dark. All must remain as still and as quiet as possible; there must be no moving, talking or noise only as the ceremony requires. Striking matches and smoking during the ceremony is absolutely prohibited. If an officer has to read he must use an electric flashlight, and throw the light only to the page he is reading. When all are ready the Klarogo will anser the signal of the Kladd with Allw and begin to Otds.
Kladd. (On Stdos and Kladd will say to his party.) "Sires: The portal of the Invisible Empire is being opened to your. Your righteous prayer has been answered and you have found favor in the sight of the Exalted Cyclops and his Klansmen assembled. Follow me and be prudent!"
As the Kladd approaches with his party the threshold of the inner door, the Klarogo will stop them by facing them with Tsotf-c. He will then recover Tsotf-c, face inward and stand erect and steady. (The Klokard, or
person selected, just previous to this has stationed himself near the door where he can be heard by the candidates but not seen by them.)
"God give us men! The Invisible Empire demands strong
Minds, great hearts, truth faith and ready hands.
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have HONOR; men who will NOT Lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty and in private thinking;
For while the rablle, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their LARGE professions and their LITTLE deeds,
Mingle in selfish strigt, Lo! freedom weeps;
Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps.
God give us men!
Men who serve not for selfish booty.
But real men, courageous, who flinch not at duty;
Men of dependable character; men of sterling worth;
Then wrongs will be redressed, and right will rule the earth;
God give us men!"
After a pause, the Klarogo faces the candidates and says: ________
Klarago. "Sirs: Will you (or each of you) by your daily life as Klansmen earnestly endeavor to be an answer to this prayer?_____
He then faces the E.C. and says:
Klarogo. "Your Excellency and fellow Klansmen: JUST SUCH MEN are (or just such a man is) standing without the portal of the Invisible Emprie, desiring the lofty honor of citizenship therein, and ready and willing to unflinchingly face every duty on him (or them) imposed."
E.C. Faithful Klarogo and Klansmen: Let them enter the Klavern in quest of citizenship, but keep you a Klansman's eye of scrutiny upon them, and if they, or one of them, should flinch at duty or show himself a cowardly weakling or a treacherous scalawag, at this time or in the future, it will be your sworn duty to eject him or them from the portal of the Invisible Empire without fear of favor and do so without delay; be thou not recreant to duty's demands!"
The Night-Hawk takes the Fiery Corss from the altar, lights it and takes a position immediately in front of and about four feet from the Klaliff's station, facing the Klarogo, holding the Fiery Corss above his head.
Klarogo. (Steps aside and says to the Kladd): "Pass."
When the Kladd crosses the threshold of the Klavern he will stop and give Tsog. All Klansmen, except the station officers, will arise, face the Kladd and give Tosg, then face
the altar and remain standing with Tsok-1. The Kladd will then proceed with his party toward the N.-H. As the Kladd approaches the N.-H. with his party and gets in about six feet of him the Night-Hawk will about face and march in front of the Kladd about six feet from him on the journy, until he is halted by the signal Allw from the E.C. When he hears the signal he will stop his party, answer the signal with Allw, then face his party toward the Sacred Altar. When this is done the Night-Hawk with the Fiery Cross takes a position in front of and about six feet from the party, facing the party, with the cross uplifted. He remains in the position until he hears the second signal of Allw from the E.C., when he will resume his position at the head of the party in front of the Kladd and move on. When the Kladd hears the second signal he will face his party as they were, answer the signal with Allw, and follow the N.-H.
When the first signal of Allw of the E.C. is given, all Klansmen, except station officers, Klarogo and Klexter, will form their seats, march around the hall in single file, the Klokard leading to his right, pass in front along the line of the party, between the party and the N.-H., each Klansman will look the party squarely in the eyes, but continue moving. After passing the party the Klokard will form the Klansmen in a double line with open ranks about six feet apart and facing each other, holding Tsok-1, and standing steady, on the opposite side of the Klavern; the E.C., then gives the second signal of Allw. The Night-Hawk will lead the Kladd and his party on their journey by way of the E.C. station and through the formation of Klansmen. all this must be done quietly, with dignity and with a steady pace.
After the Kladd and his party shall have
passed the formation of Klansmen, all Klansmen will, without signal, return to their seats, but remain standing until the Kladd presents his part to the E.C., when they quietly sit down.
As the Kladd approaches the station of the Klaliff after he has passed the formation of Klansmen, the Klaliff will arise and Gtsog and halt him with Allw. On hearing the Llw, the Kladd stops and answers with same. The N.-H. also stops.
Klaliff. "Who are you that walk in the Klavern at this hour?"
Kladd. "The Kladd of the Klan with a party, whom the eye of the unknown has seen and doth constantly observe."
Klaliff. "What be the nature of your party?"
Kladd. "Faithful Klaliff: THESE ARE MEN, (or this is a man) as the Invisible Emprie and a time like this demands; men (a man) of strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands. Worthy aliens known and vouched for by Klansmen in Klonklave assembled, and by order of His Excellency, I, the Kladd of the Klan, am their (or his) guide to the Sacred Altar."
Klaliff. "Pass on."
(The journey from the entrance of the Klavern to the E.C. station must be made in a circle around the Klavern.
The N.-H. will move on, followed by the Kladd with his party, and will then continue his journey until he arrives at the station of the E.C., when he shall stop and line his company up in a straight line immediately in front of the station. The Night-Hawk stops but does not change position. The Kladd steps to the rear of his party and will
address the E.C. as follows:
Kladd. "Your Excellency: Sir, pursuant to your orders, I present to you these (or this) alien aspirants, men (or a man) of dependable character and courage, who aspire to the noble life and the high honor of citizenshop in the Invisible Empire."
The Exalted Cyclops will arise and address the candidates as follows:
"Sirs: Is the motive prompting your presence here serious and unselfish?" ________
"It is indeed refreshing to meet face to face with men (or a man) like you, who, actuated by manly motives, aspire to all things noble for yourselves and humanity.
"The lustre of the holy light of chivalry has lost its former glory and is sadly dimmed by the choking dust of selfish, sordid gain. Pass on!"
The E.C. will resume his seat, and the Kladd will face his party toward the Night-Hawk and advance behind the Night-Hawk until he hears the signal of Allw from the Klokard. On hearing the signal from the Klokard the Night-Hawk stops and stands steady; the Kladd will also stop his party immediately in front of the Klokard's station and face them to the Klokard's station and answer the signal by the same. On receiving the answer, the Klokard will arise and address the part as follows:
"Real fraternity, by shameful neglect, has been starved until so weak her voice is lost in the courts of her own castle, and she passes unnoticed by her sworn subjects as she moves along the crowded streets and through the din of the market place. Man's valuation of man is by the standard of wealth and not worth; selfishness is the festive queen among human kind, and multitudes forget honor, justive, love and God and every religious conviction to do homage to her, and yet with the cruel heart of Jezebel she slaughters the souls of thousands of her devotes daily. Pass on!"
The Klokard will resume his seat, and the Kladd will face his party as before and advance behind the Night-Hawk until he hears the signal of Allw from the Klaliff. On hearing the signal of the Klaliff the Night-Hawk stops and stands steady; the Kladd will also stop his party immediately in front of the Klaliff's station, facing them to the Klaliff, and answer the signal by the same. On receiving the answer, the Klaliff will arise and address the party as follows:
'The unsatisfied thirst for gain is dethroning reason and judgment in the citadel of the human soul, and men maddened thereby, forget their patriotic, domestic and social obligations and duties, and fiendishly fight for a place in the favor of the goddess of glittering gold; they starve their own souls, and make sport of spiritual development. Pass on."
The Klaliff will resume his seat and the Kladd will face his part as before and advance behind the Night-Hawk until he hears the signal of Allw from the Kludd. On hearing the signal of the Kludd, the Night-Hawk stops and stands ready; the Kladd will also stop his party immediately in front of the Kludd's station, facing them to the Kludd, and then answers the signal by the same. On receiving the answer, the Kludd will arise and address the part as follows:
"Men speak love and live in hate!
Men talk of faith and trust to fate!
Oh, might men do the things they teach;
Oh, might men live the life they preach;
Then the throne of avarice would fall and the clanger
Of grim Selfishness o'er the earth would cease;
Love would tread out the baleful fire of anger,
And in its ashes plant the lily of peace.
Pass on."
__ The Kludd will resume his seat, and the Kladd will face his party as before and advance behind the Night-Hawk until he hears the signal of Allw from the E.C. On hearing the signal of the E.C. the Night-Hawk stops and goes to and takes position at the Sacred Altar; the Kladd will also stop his party immediately in front of the E.C.'s station, facing them to the E.C., and then answer the signal with the same. On receiving the answer, the E.C. will arise and address the party as follows:
"Sirs: We congratulate you on your manly decision to forsake the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation and emigrate to the delectable bounds of the Invisible Emprie and become loyal citizens of the same. The prime purpose of this great Oder is to develop character, practice Klannishness, to protect the home and the chastity of womanhood, and to exemplify a pure patriotism toward our glorious country.
You as citizens of the Invisible Emprie, must be actively patriotic toward our country and constantly Klannish toward Klansmen socially, physically, morally and vocationally; will you assume this obligation of citizenship?
You must unflinchingly conform to our requirements, regulations and usages in every detail, and prove yourselves worthy to [break]
[continue] have and to hold the honors we bestow; do you freely and faithfully assume to do this?
Sirs: If you have any doubt as to your ability to qualify, either in body or character, as citizens of the Invisible Emprie, you now have an opportunity to retire from this place with the good will of the Klan to attend you; for I warn you now, if you falter or fail at this time or in the future as a Klansman, in Klonklave or in life, you will be banished from citizenship in the Invisible Empire without fear or favor.
The is a serious undertaking; we are not here to make sport of you, nor indulge in the silly frivolity of circus clowns. Be you well assured that "he putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven," or worthy of the high honor of citizenship in the Invisible Empire, or the fervent fellowship of Klansmen. Don't deceive yourselves; you cannot deceive us, and we will not be mocked. Do you wish to retire?______
E.C. "Faithful Kladd, you will direct the way of these worthy aliens to the Sacred Altar of the empire of chivalry, honor, industry and love, in order that they may make further progress toward attaining citizenship in the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klans."
The Kladd will conduct his party to the Sacred Altar by way of the Klokard's station. When he has arrived within about six feet of the Klokard's station he will turn square to his left and continue in a straight direction until he reaches a point about six feet from the Sacred Altar toward the station of the E.C.; he will then turn square to his right and continue until he has passed the Sacred Altar about four feet; he will then
turn square to his left and continue until he passes the Sacred Altar about six feet when he will turn square to his left and bring his party into the formation of a three quarter hallow square, and will face them toward the Sacred Altar.
If he has five candidates or a fewer number he will form them in a straight line facing the Sacred Altar on the side of the altar toward the Klaliff's station and about four feet from the altar, and then perfect the three-quarter hollow square formation with Klansmen.
The N.-H. takes his place with the Fiery Cross held aloft just from the corne of the Sacred Altar to the right of the E.C. He stands within the Quadrate. The Fiery Cross is held aloft during the administration of the oath and the dedicatory ceremony.
The first paragraph above gives a general idea regarding the jourey of the candidates to the Sacred Altar as to turning angles and as to distances, etc. In making this journey the number of candidates and the good judgment of the Kladd will determine the size of the hollow square formation and the best results in getting to and forming it.
The Kladd should study well his part in the floor work, for his is a very important and impressive part. He should exercise and good military mannerisms in his work.
When the Kladd has perfected the three quarter hallow square formation, he will advance to a point about midway between the altar and the station of the E.C., salute and in strong, clear voice say:
Kladd. "Your Excellency. The aliens in our midsst from the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation, forsake the past and are now ready and willing to bind themselves by [break]
[continued] an unyeilding tie to the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Klans, Assocation of Florida Ku Klux Klan."
Then the Kladd will about face and advance to his position opposite of the center and to the rear of the line of candidates toward the station of the Klaliff and await orders.
The Klokard, with his assistants, the Klaliff and the Kludd, will, with steady pace, form across the open side of the hollow square so as to complete the square, and will administer Sections III and IV of the Oath of Allegiance. The Klaliff administers Section III, and the Kludd administers Section IV. The Klokard to his right, the Kludd to his left. After the Oath shall have been administred, the Klokard will about face and advance to a point about mid-way between the altar and the E.C., facing the E.C.; he will salute and address the E.C. thus:
Klokard. "Your Excellency: The worthy aspiratns at the Sacred Altar of the Klan have each voluntarily assumed, without mental reservation the solemn and thrice beinding Oath of Allegiance to the Invisible Empire. Association of Florida Klans, Association of Floirda Ku Klux Klan, and are awaiting to be dedicated to the holy service of our country, the Klan, each other, our homes and humanity."
E.C. "Faithful Klokard: You and your assistants have performed your duty well; now you may rest: but stand by in readiness to performer other duties, if such arise."
The Klokard resumes his place in the quadrate formation between his assistants. The E.C. will then proceed to the Sacred
Altar to perform the following ceremony of dedication:
The E.C. addresses the candidates as follows:
E.C. "Sirs: Have (each of) you assumed without mental reservation your Oath of Allegiance to the Invisible Empire?_____
Mortal man cannot assume a more bidning oath; character and courage alone will enable you to keep it. Always remember that to keep this oath means to you honor, happiness, and life; but to violate it it means disgrace, dishonor and death. May honor, happiness and life be yours."
(Then he holds up the vessel from the Sacred Altar, containing the dedication fluid, and addresses the candidates as follows:
"With this transparent, life-giving, powerful, God-given fluid, more previous and far more significant than all the sacred oils of the ancients, I set you (or each of you) apart from the men of your daily association to the great and honorable task you have voluntarily alloted yourselves as citizens of the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klans.
"As a Klansman may your character be as transparent, your life purpose as powerful, your motive in all things as magnanimous and as pure, and your Klannishness as real and as faithful as the manifold drops herein, and you a vital being as useful to humanity as is pure water to mankind.
"You will kneel upon your right knee."
Just here the following stanza must be sung in a low, soft, but distinct tone, preferably by a quartette:
(Tune-"Just As I Am Without One Plea.")
To Thee, oh, God, I call to Thee-
True to my oath, oh help me be!
I've pledged my love, my blood, my all;
Oh, give me frace that I not fall.
E.C. "Sirs: 'Neath the uplifted Fiery Cross, which by its holy light looks down upon you to bless with its sacred traditions of the past.-
I dedicate you in body, in mind, in spirit and in life, to the holy service of our country, our Klan, our homes, each other and humanity."
He adcances to the candidates and pours a few drops of the dedication fluid on each candidate's back and says: "In Body," pours a few drops on his own hand, and tosses it upward and says: "in Spirit," then moves his hand in a horizontal circular motion around the candidate's head and says:"And in Life." After this he says:
"Thus dedicated by us, now consecrate yourselves to the sacred cause you have entered."
(To all he will say): "My Terrors and Klansmen: Let us pray."
All except those officiating at the Sacred Altar must kneel, the E.C. will step back to the rear and left of the Kludd; the N.-H. remains in his position; the Kludd will advance and stand close to the Sacred Altar on the side toward the station of the E.C., and will use the following:
God of all, author of all good: Thou who
didst create man and so proposed that man should fill a distinct place and perform a specific work in the economy of Thy good government. Thou has revealed Thyself and Thy purpose to man, and by this revelation we have learned our place and our work. Therefore, we have solemnly dedicated ourselves as Klansmen to that sublime work harmonic with They will and purpose in our creation.
Now, oh, God! We, through They goodness, have here deidcated with Thine own divinely distilled fluid these manly men at the altar kneeling, who have been moved by worthy motives and impelled by noble impulses to turn from selfishness and fraternal alienation and to espouse with body, mind, spirit and life, the holy service of our country, our Klan, our home and each other, we beseech Thee to dedicate them with the fullness of his (or their) sacred, solemn oath to our noble cause, to the glory of Thy great name. Amen! (All say, "Amen!")
Immediately after the prayer all will arise. The E.C. will step to the Altar and instruct the candidates to arise. The Kludd will step back to his place.
(The E.C. will address the candidates as follows):
"Sir (or Sirs): You are no longer strangers or aliens among us, but are citizens with us; and with confidence in your character that you have not sworn falsely or deceitfully in the assumption of your oath, I on behalf of our Grand Dragon and all Klansmen, welcome you to citizenship in the empire of chivalry, honor, industry, and love."
After saying this the E.C., as a token of welcome, will greet each of the candidates with Tkok, and then return to his position at the altar and say:
"By authority vested in me by our Grand Dragon, I now declare and proclaim (each of) you a citizen of the Invisible Empire, Association of Florida Klans, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klan, and invest you with the title of- 'Klansman', the most honorable title amone men."
This done the E.C. returns to his station and the candidate is greeted under the Fiery Cross by all Klansmen with Tkok the Klaliff leading the line.
This done, the Night-Hawk will extinguish the Fiery Cross and replace it at the altar and take his seat. The Klarogo will have turned on the lights of the Klavernl; this done, the E.C. will say.
E.C. "The Kladd of the Klan."
The Kladd will advance from his position at the rear of the candidates to a point about five feet in front of the E.C. and salute and say.
Kladd. "The Kladd. Your Excellency."
E.C. "You will escort the Klansmen at the Sacred Altar to the seats provided for them."
Kladd. (the Kladd will salute and say):
"I have your orders, Sir!"
The Kladd conducts the class to the seats arranged in a straight line, eight seats to the line, in front of the Kludd's station, facing the altar. He will take a position at the end of the line and remain standing.
The Klaliff will advance to a position near the altar, facing the class, and address them as follows:
"Fellow Klansmen, you have been elevated to a high estate and vested with the most honorable title among men, Klansmen. You
are now entitled to receive a full explanation of the mystic signs and symbols of Klankraft. the Sacred Altar is the heart of the Klavern. First upon the altar is placed the sword. It represents the indomitably courage of our ancestors who used it to sever the bonds of Old World tyranny, and to carve out a new nation dedicated to liberty and freedom. It also symbolizes the willingness of Klansmen to defend and protect with their lives, if necessary, the government of the United States of America against any aggressor who might attempt to destroy it through violence. The flag, placed upon the sword, is the emblem of our pure patriotism. Its red stripes symbolizes the blood of our forefathers shed freely that we might have the blessings of freedom. The white stripes symbolize the purity of their motives in creating a nation where God might be worshipped in accordance with the dictates of individual conscience. The stars in the field of blue symbolize the heavens from whence came the divine inspiration which welded our forty-eight states into one union, indivisible and indestructible. The Bible is placed on the flag to signify that we recognize our government can succeed only insofar as we follow Christ's mandate that we give ourselves 'as living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God.' Next to the flag stands the vessel of pure water which consecreted, you in mind, body and spirit. The cross signifies the suffering of Jesus Christ, the Klansman's Criterion of Character, for the redeption of mankind. The Fiery Cross symbolizes a Klansmen's flaming zeal in the protection of the ideals whcih you have to-night pledged yourselves to cherish and defend."
The Klaliff returns to his station.
The Kladd takes a position near the altar.
The lights are turned out and a spot- [break]
[continued] light, or flash light, is trained upon the Kladd.
The Klokard arises and addrsses the class: "As Klansmen, it is essential that you be informed concerning all ritualistic signs used in the Klavern. You will watch the Kladd who will exemplify these signs as I describe them."
The Klokard will name and describe the following ritualistic signs and the Kladd will demonstrate them:
S-O-G (Same is used for S-O-R
The lights are turned on.
The Kladd returns to his position with the class. The Klokard. "You are now to learn the Ways of the Klavern. When you wish to enter a Klavern, you will approach the outder door of the Inner Den and give there one rap and strike the O, the Klexter will answer with the same. He then will open the wicket and you will Gaslw. He will say, "Who are you?" You will give him your name as Klansman_______ giving the
name, number and realm of your Klan. He will say: "Advance and give the countersign." You will advance and whisper the countersign through the wicket. if you haven't the countersign you will so inform the Klexter and produce your recepit, or otherwise satisfy him that you are no imposter. If you are qualified to enter he will open the door and say to you- "Pass."
You will pass into the Inner Den and say: "Klexter, what of the night?" If there be candidates to be intiated or already present he will say, "Strangers are near; be prudent!" On hearing this you will completely enrobe before entering the Klavern. But if there be no candidates, and no initiatory work to be done, he will say, 'All are known." Hearing this you will not robe but enter as you are.
You will then approach the inner door and give thereon *** you will strike the F.C.; at this Klarogo will open the wicket and say: "Who is it and what is your business?" You will answer: "I am Klansman _________; I seek entrance to the Klavern to meet with my fellows." If necessary he will remand your recepit or ascertain of the Kligrapp it you are entitled to enter; if so, he will then open the wicket and say, "Password." If same is correct, he will open the door and say, "Pass, Klansman."
At this point, the Kladd will advance and demonstrate the signs as the Klokard describes them.
You will pass clear of the door, stop, stand erect and Gtsog and hold same until someone answers it; then pass on to the Sacred Altar.
You will face the station of the E.C.,
then face the mounted flag and Gtnh; then face the E.C. and Gtsof-c; then raise Tsos if you are not enrobed, then Gtsok-c, which will be answered by the Exalted Cyrclops with Tsor; you then will take your seat. If you are robed and the others are enrobed, you will take your seat without disclosing your identity. if the Exalted Cyclops is engaged you will give Tsok-c to the Klaliff.
To retire from the Klavern while same is in session, you will advance to the Sacred Altar, face the Exalted Cyclops and lower Tsos, then Gtsok-c; if he answers you with Tsog, you may retire. If the Exalted Cyclops does not answer you, you must raise Tsos and return to your seat. On going out of the Klavern you must remove and conceal your robe in the Inner Den of the Klavern.
During the deliberations of the Klonklave if you wish to talk to the assembly, you must make a motion, or even a second a motion, you must arise to your feet, then address the Exalted Cyclops by saying: Your Excellency," and touching your forehead with the ends of the fingers of your right hand. If he recognizes you, turn the palm of your right hand toward him and drop your hand, then you may speak. He will recognize you by looking at you and saying "Klansman." If he does not recognize your readily, then drop your hand and resume your seat, and later try again. No man will be in order unless he gets the recognition of the Exalted Cyclops by addressing him thusly.
(Here the Kladd returns to his position with the Class.)
The gavel is the emblem of authority of the Exalted Cyclops, and its signals must be rigidly respected. Any disrespect shown the Exalted Cyclops during a Klonklave is an insult to the entire Klan which he serves
and an affront to our Grand Dragon whom he represents in his official capacity. The entire Klan is under direct obligations to command due respect from any and all without fear or favor.
One rap of the gavel calls for -Silence, and attention, whether you stand or sit.
Two raps of the gavel call all to their feet.
The Klokard resumes his station.
The Klaliff. "Association of Florida Ku Klux Klan is a great crusade organized to coordinate the thought and action of white, Protestant, native-born, Gentile Americans. It is militant in character and unified in operation. It embraces four steps, or degrees, first of which is the Order of Citizenship, or K-uno; this is the basic degree of Klankraft, granting full citizenship in the Invisible Empire. The second degree is K-Duo, Knights of the Great Forest, the Primary Order of Knighthood. The third degree is K-Trio, Knights Kamellia, the Order of American Chivalry. The fourth degree is K-Quad, Kights of the Mid-Night Mystery, the Superior Order of Knighthood and Spiritual Philosophy. All regular Klan business is transacted in K-Uno. The mysteries of these higher degrees will be unfolded to you in due time as your progress in the Order. The Kladd will now conduct you to the Exalted Cyclops where you will receive from him the CS, PW and Imperial Instructions."
The Kladd conducts to the E.C.
"I now hand you Imperial Instructions." Carefully preserve and seriously study this document and give earnest heed to same, for on the practice of its teachings in your daily life depends your future advancement."
"You (or each of you) now are instructed Klansmen, possessing all the rights, priviledges and protection as such, will take your place with Klansmen in the sacred fellowship of the Invisible Empire."
The E.C. will then give two raps with the gavel, take his seat and proceed with the other business.
Chicago Manual of Style
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ). Kloran, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klans, 1954. 1954. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326755>, accessed 14 March 2025.
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ). Kloran, Association of Florida Ku Klux Klans, 1954. 1954. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326755>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Ku Klux Klan (1915- ))