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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 30, 1915
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point of view. I am mighty sorry to hear of her being sick but am glad she stopped sewing. She likes it better than I do. You ought to see some of the patching - Don't laugh. I try hard enough but [usually] have my trouble for my [pains]. You ought to see some of my work. They [usually] are masterpieces.
I was deer hunting last week but [didn't] jump any game. Saw plenty of signs but the dogs were no good. I would like very much to get a couple of good hounds. If you can do as you said get Ralph Dey's hound and raise some puppies I will consider myself
Jan. 30, 1915.
Davenport, Fla.
Dear Sister:
I came in from the homestead and found your letter today, don't know what day it came but as I am going back tomorrow I am going to ans. now.
I have been plowing "Dock" Simmings excuse for a grove out at Lake Marion. To begin with he [didn't] clear it, just planted little seedling trees right in amongst pine trees and oak scrub and palmettos and take it from me it is hell plowing -- pardon the language.
I have been seven days at it so far and it will surely take two more. Am just using one horse. Am going to buy an engine from him or try to. A 3 H.P. marine engine with equipment[.] It is wretchedly out of repair but I can fix it for a few dollars. We already have a nice little boat but am planning on a launch. I can rig the boat over if I make the deal for little of nothing so the financial outlay is of little account.
I got a letter from Mother today and I guess she is pretty home-sick, between you and I, it was the only real [sensible] letter that I have recd. from her. There was no gossip in this one to speak of. you know how she is, always changing the
point of view. I am mighty sorry to hear of her being sick but am glad she stopped sewing. She likes it better than I do. You ought to see some of the patching - Don't laugh. I try hard enough but [usually] have my trouble for my [pains]. You ought to see some of my work. They [usually] are masterpieces.
I was deer hunting last week but [didn't] jump any game. Saw plenty of signs but the dogs were no good. I would like very much to get a couple of good hounds. If you can do as you said get Ralph Dey's hound and raise some puppies I will consider myself
deeply in your debt, and will remunerate you as you see fit. But let me say right now that I do not care for anything that is a mongrel. I am not [particular] about [pedigree] but I am sick of Kerrs the South is full of such. Breed her to some good hound. I surely could use a couple dogs, for deer and bear both. What color is the old dog?
I just got a turkey call today am going to try for some wild ones. Mother saw some out there one day. I have some spotted too. There is [plenty] of game in Fla. but a novice [can't] "bring home the [bacon]" you have to know how if you have any luck.
This is Sunday morning and the north-bound mail is nearly due so this will be pretty brief.
How are grandpa and grandma Fish? There is no need of Mother returning if they need her. We can easily get along without her, tho [she] don't see it that way. Father misses her most.
I have three more letters to write before I depart for the "Promised Land" so I will bid you goodbye.
Your affectionate brother,
Algy K Bevins
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 30, 1915. January 30, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326897>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 30, 1915. January 30, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326897>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)