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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - September 18, 1917
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U.S.S. Tampa, New York City.
Dear Dad and Mother
We left Boston last Saturday but [?] [?] N.Y. today. Were delayed bc we assisted a tug which was to accompany us.
[?] drew half a months pay on [?] south and I am sending [?] part of it. Am enclosing [?] with a check of $3.36 (refund for taxes) also you will find tax [receipts]. Out of the $16 I want [?] to [pay] [?]lson $6 which will balance [my] old account. The Bal. is $5.80. [?] has run a little over a year [?] knew of the difficulties. [?] regret the delay
Subject - Corporate
U.S.S. Tampa, New York City.
Dear Dad and Mother
We left Boston last Saturday but [?] [?] N.Y. today. Were delayed bc we assisted a tug which was to accompany us.
[?] drew half a months pay on [?] south and I am sending [?] part of it. Am enclosing [?] with a check of $3.36 (refund for taxes) also you will find tax [receipts]. Out of the $16 I want [?] to [pay] [?]lson $6 which will balance [my] old account. The Bal. is $5.80. [?] has run a little over a year [?] knew of the difficulties. [?] regret the delay
and thank him for the credit. Give Col Monohan a dime for I got a pair of garters when home and did not have sufficient change. Give him my regards also. You may use the balance to help cover your and Mother's needs. Art. is ashore so [?] [?] know how much he'll send but try and get along with the least possible for I would [?] lay aside some to meet [?] of which you spoke. [?] an keep going we can meet the notes so do your best.
We will [probably] not stay here long. Am looking to [?] from here and go [?] quite anxious for the [?] are in good shape [?] have a lot of [?]
little "Battlewagon Tampa." Please do not worry about us.
Art and I are still aboard together and are making out very well. Have not been [?]ated again but it's [coming]. I am getting a good many little jobs that are [particular] and so far [everything] has been O.K. Am looking for a rating when a [vacancy] occurs. You see there is a certain number of men allowed so we must wait for a [vacancy]. I want to make two rates more before my enlistment expires am learning a lot. Know enough to make $90 per mo. in the merchant marine right now. I [?] let you
know when I get moved up.
That was tough to [lose] the pigs. Wish I could be there to go on a hunt again. Better keep Wanda when you go in town.
Sis is back in Penna. I suppose. Is she going to return and homestead? What piece has she in mind? Hope she does cut loose from Geo.
If you was able to stand the work you could get $4.00 per day as a carpenter or joiner in Boston. Double time for overtime. I like the place and may go back when I break loose.
Keep my things in the little shack pretty well together and keep the guns cl[?]an [?]d well oiled for I am longing for a time to use th[?] [?].
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - September 18, 1917. September 18, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326922>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - September 18, 1917. September 18, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326922>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)