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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - September 8, 1917
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Boston Mass. 9,-8,-'17.
Dear Sis. -
At noon today I received your letter. I am glad Mother is improving but am very sorry you do not feel better. It may be [due] to you not being [acclimated] but I am [inclined] to believe you have been working too hard. If conditions were better I believe you would like it down there. I do myself and am satisfied that I can make a good thing out of it if given a suitable stake to start on. My idea is fancy stock and do a little advertising but I believe in starting right. Nothing would please me better than for you to come down for good and all for the sooner you leave the foul atmosphere of your former surrounding the better off [you'll] be. You can count upon me for any assistance within my power.
Subject - Corporate
Boston Mass. 9,-8,-'17.
Dear Sis. -
At noon today I received your letter. I am glad Mother is improving but am very sorry you do not feel better. It may be [due] to you not being [acclimated] but I am [inclined] to believe you have been working too hard. If conditions were better I believe you would like it down there. I do myself and am satisfied that I can make a good thing out of it if given a suitable stake to start on. My idea is fancy stock and do a little advertising but I believe in starting right. Nothing would please me better than for you to come down for good and all for the sooner you leave the foul atmosphere of your former surrounding the better off [you'll] be. You can count upon me for any assistance within my power.
Do you anticipate any trouble in obtaining a divorce? It is best to get one and so be free from all of the old emroyment[sic]. It should not be difficult tho[sic] I do not know anything about that sort of a procedure. Do not forget that I will do all I can to make things easy and interesting for you if you should happen to homestead.
Sometimes I think I ought to settle down on the place or somewhere around the folks but I am quite undecided. At any rate I must get a few hundred ahead to make a start. The only thing that keeps me from choosing that path is that it offers a very poor chance to realize some ambitions that I cherish. I am quite used to [disappointments] tho[sic] I do not like to be pessimistic. Am looking for the
time when I can get a good [education] and maybe make a C.E. If I was out of the service now I could be making all of $40 per week and not working hard either. I have exactly seven months to do so if I get out there will still be some good openings.
I suggested to Dad that we might go [across] the pond but [I'll] tell you that our chances for the trip are quite certain. I do not expect any trouble and am looking forward to it as another adventure as for myself I am anxious to go. There are chances [against] us but of not nearly so much consequence as trench warfare such as our cousin Wayne is in for. I am only telling you facts so you can expect any outcome. You see in wartime there are few places of absolute safety. I believe
the branch of service we are in is one of the best of the lot.
I would like to see Wanda and take her on a hunt. Sometimes I can scarcely contain myself when I think of the sport I've had in the woods down there.
[Don't] let mother overdo and keep a look out for dad. He is not very careful with himself either.
Both Art and I are O.K.
Your Bro "Al."
P.S. Did you secure the things in my shack? "Al."
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - September 8, 1917. September 8, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326923>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - September 8, 1917. September 8, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326923>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)