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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - May 24, 1918
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U.S.S. Tampa
U.S. Naval Forces,
Base 9
Dear Sister,-
I have delayed answering your recent letter hoping to hear from the folks at home before writing you but it seems I'll have to wait forever. You see there was a few things I had hoped to get some information on but as it don't come I'm going to let you find out for me. I'll state them a little later and right here I'll let you see the way I am kept in the dark. I do not average a letter from home once a month, it is now over two since I've
Subject - Corporate
U.S.S. Tampa
U.S. Naval Forces,
Base 9
Dear Sister,-
I have delayed answering your recent letter hoping to hear from the folks at home before writing you but it seems I'll have to wait forever. You see there was a few things I had hoped to get some information on but as it don't come I'm going to let you find out for me. I'll state them a little later and right here I'll let you see the way I am kept in the dark. I do not average a letter from home once a month, it is now over two since I've
heard and there are a few things that cause me no little concern. Both Art and myself are deeply [interested] in the welfare of the folks but I sometimes think they [don't] realize it as much as they should, take this for instance. Both of us have made allotments and made claims for family [allowance] to this extent, amount of allotment $15 per month for each and amount of [allowance] $10 each making a total of $25 per month from each of us or a grand total of $50. This has been checked against us since November (a matter of $300.00 to date if [allowance] was allowed and I see no reason why it was not) The last heard some two months since was that they had not yet [received] any of it. What I want to
know now if I can is it still being held up. If I [definitely] know the folks are not getting it I will take some steps to [adjust] matters but until I know I am at sea. I have repeatedly asked the same question in my letters home but they do not seem to think it means as much as it [really] does for in only one letter have I had it answered. You can easily see that they might think we were neglecting them. You know how Dad is. I also sent a couple remittances besides,- one of which got thro[sic] and one did not. Now here is where I can use you and here is the dope I spoke about early in this letter. The last remittance I relayed [across] in this fashion, because money is risky to send [across], I had
one of the men, whom I trust, have his wife draw a check for $25 in favor of Mother and mail it to her address at Davenport but he informs me that the letter enclosing the check was returned to his wife unclaimed. Now I am at loss to explain this but unless I hear from home soon I'll have it drawn to you. [I'll] write you (when) if I do this but in case that letter goes astray this will put you right. Also find out all you can from home and write me often. Get information on [everything] you think I'd be [interested] in and do not [wait] for an answer but write as often as you can. I'll answer when I can.
Now a word or two about ourselves and some of the things you mentioned in your last letter.
We are having very fine weather now and are both well. I was reading an article in a sporting magazine (Forest and Stream) titting about a turkey hunt in some of the Florida swamps and before I was half through I was wild to get back down there. I know [you'll] like it and we ought to have some great times together when we both get back.
It seems rather hard on you to go all the way to [Titusville] to work but I suppose it will be a diversion from the farm. Let me know how you like it? Don't over do tho[sic] will you? If the folks do as you suggested I do not suppose you'll go down this fall will you? It would hardly be a good policy to go down alone but then we have a few months ahead of us yet.
Take Ellsworth's case now - If I was in his shoes I'd look after the folks and stay where he is. It isn't a question of bravery or any of that stuff. There is no glory to be found over here. These are my sentiments.
Remember me to Aunt Deal and family, if I get around to it [I'll] write her. Give Geo. my best regards also.
We have a litter of 4 little kittens, born at sea, that
are getting playful now. [I'll] send you a picture of them when some of the fellows take some.
I [haven't] any more of Art and myself right now but here are a few for you.
The same as always your loving Brother.
c/o Postmaster N.Y.
A.K. Bevins,
U.S. Naval Forces,
MAY 24 1918
Mrs. Merie Rieck,
Titusville, Penna.
R.F.D. #1.
U.S. Naval Forces
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - May 24, 1918. May 24, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326944>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - May 24, 1918. May 24, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326944>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)