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New Service obtainable only on war priority. War agencies have priority on calls and private conversation may be interrupted.
Service has been stopped on congratulations, felicitations and holiday greetings; also on message; shopping and all other non-wire service.
War Labor Board must approve general increase of wages or salaries, by employer of more than 8, above Oct. 3, 1942 level on wages; Oct. 27 on salaries. Exceptions: individual promotions, and increases up to 40 cents per hour. Employers may grant wage increases or employers and unions may agree to raise wages up to 40 cents an hour without first applying to either the Regional Director, War Labor Board of the National Board for approval. The Regional Director, War Labor Board, Atlanta, may approve increases up to 50 cents an hour without referring to the Board for approval. Questions concerning wages or salaries may be referred to Wages and Hours Division, Labor Department, Federal Bldg, Jacksonville, Florida for proper handling.
War Manpower Commission assists in getting the right worker into the right job. Employers and employees may appeal to this office for assistance. Questions concerning transfer from one mob to another, operations of 48-hour work week in 32 labor-short areas in U.S. are referred to this office. U.S. Employment offices are agents of War Manpower Commission. Jacksonville area under supervision of Albert Vor Keller, Manpower commissioner. Tampa area under supervision of Henry C. Megill, commissioner. Tallahassee area under supervision of State Director, U.S. Employment Service.
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What Uncle Sam Asks of You
General Orders for the Home Front
Compiled by Office of War Information in cooperation with State Defense Council of Florida
War Ration Stamp No. 12 is good for 3 pounds until May 31. Stamps 1 to 11 void. Consult - grocer.
War Ration Stamp No. 26 (Sugar Book) of persons who were 14 years of age or older at registration May 4, 5, 1942 good for 1 pound during 5 weeks beginning March 22 through April 25 - one cup a day average. Coffee stamps are Nos. 20 through 28. Mixtures containing coffee are rationed; concentrates, extracts, solubles are not.
Basic “A” Gasoline Ration Stamp No. 5 good for 3 gallons each, March 22 through July 21. Extension of time has the effect of reducing mileage approximately 50 per cent. Stamps 1-4 void. Supplementary rations may be obtained only on two conditions. Applicant must prove he is carrying full load (share-the-ride) or full load is not practicable, and that no adequate alternative means of transportation is available.
Stamp 17 (Sugar Book) good for one pair until June 15. Each person may have three pairs during year. Family may pool coupons to provide more shoes for those having greater need. Service men may get shoe certificate from Commanding Officer. Civilians should consult rationing board.
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Fuel Oil
Coupon 4 expired April 6. Coupon 5 valid March 7 to September 30. Unit is 10 gallons. Supplementary Ration – If there are children under 4 years of age in family, 50 gallons; if members are sick, what is needed on basis of doctor’s certificate. Consult rationing board. These regulations probably will not hold good during summer months.
Fruits & Vegetables
Canned, frozen, dried products being sold on “point” coupons of ration book No. 2. Blue stamps lettered D, E, and F may be used through April 30. These stamps have a total of 46 points. If there is any overlapping of stamps for May, this fact will be announced during the latter part of April. Dried prunes, raisins, dates and figs, not hermetically sealed are removed from list of rationed foods. Point values of other articles have been reduced. Grocer has list of correct point values. Changes are announced in papers.
Meats, Fats, Oil, Cheese, Fish
Rationing of all types of pork, beef, lamb, mutton, and butter, lard, other edible fats and oils, cheese and canned fish began March 29 under “point” system on red coupons in No. 2 Ration Book. Each person has sixteen points per week. If unused during the first week they may be accumulated and used during the second, third or fourth week. All stamps for April must be used during April, however, or they expire. Stamps may not be used in advance of their valid date. Red A stamps became valid March 29; Red B stamps became valid April 4; Red C stamps April 11; Red D stamps, April 18. A, B, C, D stamps are valid to April 30.
Poultry, game, fresh fish, cream cheese, and cottage cheese will not be rationed. Dried peas, beans, and lentils for use as seed will not require ration coupons.
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Ration Books
Must be surrendered on entering armed services or leaving country. Illegal to possess lost or illegally transferred Ration Book. Persons who sell cars must turn in Gasoline Ration Book to Rationing Board. Consult War Price and Rationing Board.
On Gasoline Rationing Coupons – Holders of A, B, C, D, S-1, and S-2 book must write in ink on back of each Coupon his auto license number and “Fla.4” For Florida; regulation differ for fleet and E and R book holders.
Price Ceilings
Cost of Living Items
Most items frozen at highest March level; others at seasonal levels; some not frozen. Check up before you talk. Consult – Consumer Interest officers of Defense Council.
Illegal to accept or pay rents higher than were charged in Defense areas on the maximum rent date, as follows:
Jacksonville Area, Duval County, April 1, 1941
Gainesville-Starke Area, Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Jan. 1, ‘41
Key West Area, Monroe County, Oct. 1, 1941
Panama City Area, Bay County, March 1, 1942
Pensacola Area – Escambia County, March 1, 1942
Tampa Area, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk, March 1, 1942
Valpariso Area, Okaloosa County, March 1, 1942
Apalachicola Area, Franklin, Gulf, March 1, 1942
Fort Myers Area, Lee County, March 1, 1942
Marianna Area, Jackson County, March 1, 1942
Orlando Area, Orange County, October 1, 1942
Sebring Area, Highlands County, March 1, 1942
Tallahassee Area, Leon County, March 1, 1942
Exceptions: Property with major capital improvements, not counting repairs, reconditions, etc. Eviction: Owner who needs premises for own use may evict tenant but purchaser since Oct. 20, 1942, must pay down at least one third price, not counting borrowed funds, apply for evic-
add price ceilings — page 4
tion order and wait three months. Consult — Realtor, banker, lawyer, Area Rent Attorney or Director.
Motor Vehicles
Certificates of War Necessity
No “commercial” motor vehicles—includes all trucks, single unit or fleet—can be supplied with gasoline, tires, or parts, without Certificate or War Necessity. If applications blank for Certificate is needed write:
District Office
Division of Motor Transport
Office of Defense Transportation
Jacksonville, Florida
Miami, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Tampa, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Mobile, Alabama
Consult — USDA War Board; County Agent; Defense Council Transportation officers.
Tire Inspection for commercial vehicles: every 60 days or every 5000 miles, whichever comes first.
Temporary Rations for commercial vehicles: no more temporary gasoline rations will be granted by rationing boards. Certificates of War Necessity must be presented.
Speed Limit
35 miles an hour, except military vehicles
Tire Purchase-Inspection
Car owners who comply with regulations may obtain tires on following terms according to Ration Book Issued, dependent on quotas available:
All drivers who are allowed up to 240 miles driving per month may purchase Grade 3 tire.
All drivers who are allowed from 241 to 560 miles driving per month may purchase Grade 2 or Grade 3 tire at the applicant’ts option.
All drivers who are allowed over 561 miles driving per month may purchase Grade 1, 2, or 3 tire at the applicant’ts option.
Holder of A book must have had first inspection of tires by March 31, 1943 and every six months afterward.
Hold of B book must have had first inspection of tires by February 28, 1943, and ever four months afterward.
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Holder of C book or bulk user must have had first inspection by February 28 and every three months afterward.
Must be recorded, get blank from auto dealer, tire or service station. Consult War Price and Rationing Board.
Affix sticker for highest amount of gasoline ration allowed to windshield--just highest sticker. New, larger "C" sticker shows on face why issued. Get sticker with ration book.
U.S. Treasury Use Tax Stamp must be affixed to car. Buy at Post Office on $5 a year basis.
$10,000 fine, 10 years in federal prison or both maximum for false statement, or representation to any agency of U.S. Government; loss of privileges is minimum policy.
Save all old or unusable metals, rubber, rags. Give to Defense Council, Schools, Boy Scouts, etc., or sell to junkman. Strain and save cooking grease and meat fat in tin cans--coffee cans preferred--sell to meat market; top price is 4-cents.
Save unusable silk and nylon hose; launder, donate to U.S. by delivering to hosiery counter of your clothing store. Consult--Hosiery dealer.
Preserve all surplus foods. Extra sugar rations for canning obtainable. Consult - Demonstration Agents; join 4-H of Home Demonstration club; attend Defense Council Consumers Interest forums.
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Mint has stopped coinage of copper One Cent pieces to save copper. Steel One Cent pieces are pieces are being coined. Piggy banks are unpatriotic; turn into War Stamps.
Save collapsible toothpaste, shaving cream, etc., tubes; must be turned in when buying new tubes. Exception - gift to member of armed services abroad when mailed by dealer.
Keep burners clean; gas flame clear blue; save fuel.
Turn out lights in empty rooms, lights not in use.
Shut off heat in or from unused room; repair stoves, furnaces; clean flues, chimneys. Close house cracks. Insulate if you can. Consult - plumber, building contractor.
Required of Citizens Defense Corps personnel; others may be fingerprinted at Police Stations; some issue cards. Consult - Police officers, Defense Council officer.
Defense Councils will make available Identification Tags of fire-resistant, non critical fibre with name and number for 5 cents, cost price. Consult - Defense Council Identification officer.
Christening records, Bible entries, etc., help establish citizenship. U.S. Census Bureau, Washington D.C. furnishes data from old census and World War I records for $1--photostated, $2; under seal, $3.
Add communication - page 7
New Service obtainable only on war priority. War agencies have priority on calls and private conversation may be interrupted.
Service has been stopped on congratulations, felicitations and holiday greetings; also on message; shopping and all other non-wire service.
War Labor Board must approve general increase of wages or salaries, by employer of more than 8, above Oct. 3, 1942 level on wages; Oct. 27 on salaries. Exceptions: individual promotions, and increases up to 40 cents per hour. Employers may grant wage increases or employers and unions may agree to raise wages up to 40 cents an hour without first applying to either the Regional Director, War Labor Board of the National Board for approval. The Regional Director, War Labor Board, Atlanta, may approve increases up to 50 cents an hour without referring to the Board for approval. Questions concerning wages or salaries may be referred to Wages and Hours Division, Labor Department, Federal Bldg, Jacksonville, Florida for proper handling.
War Manpower Commission assists in getting the right worker into the right job. Employers and employees may appeal to this office for assistance. Questions concerning transfer from one mob to another, operations of 48-hour work week in 32 labor-short areas in U.S. are referred to this office. U.S. Employment offices are agents of War Manpower Commission. Jacksonville area under supervision of Albert Vor Keller, Manpower commissioner. Tampa area under supervision of Henry C. Megill, commissioner. Tallahassee area under supervision of State Director, U.S. Employment Service.
page 8
When you hear a rumor report it to the Defense Council Rumor Clinic.
For all types of Volunteer war service in any agency, call at the Civilian Defense Volunteer Office.
To volunteer inquire at Post Office - Federal Building.
Young men register on the day they become 18 years of age, at the nearest Selective Service board. All registrants for selective service, new and old, must notify local draft board of change of address.
After April 1, 1943, draft boards began reclassifying men in non-deferable occupations as available for immediate induction, regardless of whether they have wives or children. Those registered with U.S. employment for other jobs will get a 30-day stay of induction.
After April 1, 1943, the Army ceased granting outright discharges to men 38 years and older. Instead, men released for work in agriculture or essential industry are to be transferred to the enlisted reserve. This means they can be recalled to active duty at any time.
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
United States. Office of War Information. What Uncle Sam Asks of You: General Orders for the Home Front, ca. 1942. 1942 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339306>, accessed 13 March 2025.
United States. Office of War Information. What Uncle Sam Asks of You: General Orders for the Home Front, ca. 1942. 1942 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339306>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/United States. Office of War Information)