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An Act to Remove the Remains of Ponce de Leon to St. Augustine, Florida, 1907
Broward, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1857-1910
Finley, Charles Alexander Martin, 1849-1934
Florida. Governor (1905-1909 : Broward)
Harris, William Hunt, 1869-1921
Kellum, John Gabriel, 1871-1964
Kirkland, S. P.
Matthews, Eugene S., 1872
Ponce de Leon, Juan, 1460?-1521
Umstead, B. F.
Geographic Term
General Note
Passed the House of Representatives 1907
J. G. Kellum
Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives
Eugene S. Matthews
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed the Senate 1907
Chas. A. Finley
Secretary of the Senate
W. Hunt Harris
President of the Senate
Approved June 1st 1907
N. B. Broward
Geographic Term
Subject - Corporate
Subject - Person
Ch 5715 – No. 120 An Act to provide for the appointment of a Commission to locate the present resting place of the remains of Ponce de Leon, and to arrange, if feasible, for their removal to our State.
Whereas, the remains of Ponce de Leon, the discoverer of Florida, are now said to be interred in Porto Rico, and lie unmarked in any suitable or appropriate manner by the government which he served; and,
Whereas, the people of Florida desire to honor the grand old Knight of Leon, who was the first to plant the white man’s banner of civilization on the Western Continent, and believe that his ashes should find a resting place in the land which he discovered; and,
Whereas, The people of St. Augustine, who annually celebrate the landing of Ponce de Leon, are desirous of providing a fit sepulcher for his remains near the site of his greatest achievement; therefore,
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1. That the Governor be and his is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a commission of five persons to locate the burial place in Porto Rico of Ponce de Leon, and, if feasible, to arrange for the removal of his remains to St. Augustine, the “mother city” of the State and Nation.
Section 2. That this Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor.
Passed the House of Representatives 1907
J. G. Kellum
Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives
Eugene S. Matthews
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed the Senate 1907
Chas. A. Finley
Secretary of the Senate
W. Hunt Harris
President of the Senate
Approved June 1st 1907
N. B. Broward
Examined and found correctly recorded
S. P. Kirkland
Chairman of Commitee on Enrolled Bills
I certify that this Act originated in the House of Representatives
J. G. Kellum
Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives
B. F. Umstead
Enrolling Clerk of the House of Representatives
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives. An Act to Remove the Remains of Ponce de Leon to St. Augustine, Florida, 1907. 1907-06-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339354>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives. An Act to Remove the Remains of Ponce de Leon to St. Augustine, Florida, 1907. 1907-06-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339354>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives.)