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Correspondence Regarding the Utilization of Skilled Cuban Refugees in Education
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Mr. Thomas D. Bailey January 26, 1961 Page 2 attitudes concerning the Castro government and our democratic government are the same as they were when they fled their homeland. It seems incredible that some administrative provision cannot be made for their certification. You know that local directors and county superintendents would screen these people carefully before signing their applications for teaching certificates. This is a magnificent way that we in Florida, representing the United States, can say “Welcome” to these intelligent citizens and provide some useful activity for them and great benefit to ourselves. There is no doubt that many of these people will remain in Florida after the present crisis has passed. We are bound to be better off for their decision to remain with us. On this subject you have probably read about a possible “University of the Americas” to be established in the Miami area which would make use of the talents of the many professors from the University of Havana who are refugees here. I can’t think of a better way for Florida to take leadership in the Latin-American problem than to encourage the establishment of such a university. The old Naval Air Base at Opalocka has been mentioned and would be highly suitable. I agree with you that our educational budget at state and county level could not accommodate this enterprise. However, with the kind leadership that you can give to such an idea, national and private financing would be forthcoming. As you can see, I have given you two problems. One of them is most immediate - the certification of these worthy professional educators who can help us so much. I plead for your assistance with this problem. The other one is international in scope and its future could be magnificent. Your strong leadership at this time cannot help but produce affection for Florida and the United States and reduce the tensions of which we are so strongly aware. Cordially yours, James L. Burnsted, Director Adult and Vocational Education JLB: sc
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Chicago Manual of Style
Burnsted, James Lawson, 1910-2002. Correspondence Regarding the Utilization of Skilled Cuban Refugees in Education. 1961. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346142>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Burnsted, James Lawson, 1910-2002. Correspondence Regarding the Utilization of Skilled Cuban Refugees in Education. 1961. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346142>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Burnsted)