Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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Petition of Citizens of Escambia County Requesting the Creation of a New County, circa 1839
Thompson, James
Gaines, Wilson
Malone, William
Stevens, Joshua
Allen, R. B.
Manning, D.
Valay, Jacob
Jernagan, Benjamin, Jr.
Owens, William S. B.
McCloskey, James
Farmer, Rufus
Owen, Charles C. P.
Chatman, William
Malone, D.
Miller, J. H.
Cooper, James
Owens, Joseph
Hall, Blake
Allen, James
Cobb, Nathan
Cobb, A. S.
Cameron, John C.
Montgomery, J.
Jones, David
White, Samuel
Harper, Edward
White, William
Kelley, Robert
Hobbs, Dias
Holley, Hazel
Franklin, Wyatt
Bryan, William
McArthur, John, 1785-1858
McArthur, Angus, 1816-1879
McCaskill, Taskill
Rathbone, John
McLellan, Malcom
Mims, Volenta
Snowden, Marshall
Nicholson, Will
Waters, Elisha
Walley, Frederic
Blalock, Allen
Lewis, David
Stephens, Abraham
Ferguson, James
Jackson, James
Lewis, George
Lewis, W.
Dorreson, Jesse
Campbell, Daniel
Blakely, John W.
McCaskill, Malcom
Baggett, Andrew
Baggett, Thomas
Baggett, Michael
Journigan, Will Jam
Thompson, James
David, D.
Baggett, Choice
Baggett, Michael
Farley, H. B.
Mitchell, William
Roberts, S.
Journigan, Blake
Miler, William
Jernigan, Silas
Johnson, W. H.
Jamison, N. A.
Shepard, Alfred
Clay, George H.
Finkler, Thomas
Rudman, Henry
Marshall, Benjamin
Mims, James
Campbell, John
McArthur, Peter
Jackson, Josiah
Calhoun, John
McKinnon, Robert
McKinnon, Allen
Malone, Joel
Amos, E.
Ganes, William B.
Horne, Eli
Mitchel, Thomas
Hobbs, Mereda
Cobb, Joseph
Pelham, Elisha
Murphey, John
Jarois, T. D.
Nicholson, Nicholson
Cobb, N. A.
Watts, Henry G.
Cotten, Loften
Molton, Joseph
Cotten, John
Gale, Stephen
Bell, Samuel
Thompson, Benjamin Wade, 1809-1876
Journigin, Benjamin
Murphey, Moses P.
Silcox, Wade
Robuck, William
Robuck, Roley
Nobles, William, 1794-1855
Brown, C.
Thompson, Loften
Nicholson, Daniel
Milligan, Robert H.
Milligan, John
Kennedy, Alexander
Simpson, L. A.
Blount, William
Harrison, William Washington, 1813-1886
Franklin, Lewis
Ellis, John
Howard, Lewis
Hudson, Benjamin
McDavid, R. T.
McCaskill, Allen
Stevens, John F.
Lewis, John
McCaskill, Henry
Anderson, Peter
Wilkison, Daniel
Campbell, Neill
Gaylor, Elijah
Mims, Jesse
McLeod, John
Morton, Jackson, 1794-1874
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Chicago Manual of Style
Petition of Citizens of Escambia County Requesting the Creation of a New County, circa 1839. 1839 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/348010>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Petition of Citizens of Escambia County Requesting the Creation of a New County, circa 1839. 1839 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/348010>
AP Style Photo Citation