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Promotional brochure for Jacksonville's City Coliseum and Civic Auditorium, circa 1963
City Coliseum (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Civic Auditorium (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Graham, Billy (William Franklin Jr.), 1918-2018
Lavery, Bill H.
Mary, mary (Kerr, Jean)
My fair lady (Loewe, Frederick)
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
United States Naval Academy
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Subject - Person
[Illustration of a bird's-eye-view of the City Coliseum]
Jacksonville's City Coliseum
Among Nation's Finest...
Very few metropolitan areas on the North American continent can boast an indoor arena comparable to the Jacksonville Coliseum. It’s so large—50,000 feet of exhibition space, a main floor of 115 feet by 205 feet and up to nearly12,000 permanent, comfortable seats—it easily allows the complete, simultaneous three ring performance of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Its beauty and practicality are hard to imagine until one sees the Coliseum, one place visitors are usually taken on a tour of the city’s show places.
[Illustration of a clown]
For further information on the Jacksonville Coliseum or Civic Auditorium, write Bill H. Lavery, Manager, care of either facility. The Auditorium is at 300 West Water Street, the Coliseum at 1145 East Adams. Lavery, who is a nationally known, experienced operator of such facilities, can be reached by telephone in Jacksonville at 354-2041.
[Illustrations of people playing hockey and basketball, a ballerina dancing, two men boxing, and a clown]
[Illustration of bird's-eye-view of the Civic Auditorium]
Jacksonville's Civic Auditorium
Unlimited Potential...
Jacksonville’s Civic Auditorium has been called one of the most modern facilities, both beautiful and utilitarian, in the nation. Its three major elements combine with missile-age-fresh accessories and downtown location conveniences to make it an eye-filling answer to virtually any need. Its 3200 seat Auditorium, 600-seat Theater and 20,000 square foot Exhibition Hall, each with every conceivable “extra”, make it a logical as well as luxurious solution. Picturesquely located on the majestic St. Johns River, The Civic Auditorium is as aesthetically spectacular as it is practical.
[Illustration of a woman dressed as a pirate]
For further information on the Jacksonville Coliseum or Civic Auditorium, write Bill H. Lavery, Manager, care of either facility. The Auditorium is at 300 West Water Street, the Coliseum at 1145 East Adams. Lavery, who is a nationally known, experienced operator of such facilities, can be reached by telephone in Jacksonville at 354-2041.
[Illustrations of two violinists, women dancing, a band, and two theater performers]
[Inside left panel]
[Photograph of the inside of the auditorium]
The Exhibit Hall is a tradesman’s or convention chairman’s dream. Approximately 20,000 square feet of floor space is especially made to withstand even the traction of giant trucks and trailers. Wall and floor utility outlets provide hot or cold water, a drain, compressed air, telephone. electricity and a public address connection. Lighting is adjustable from very bright for exhibitions to moderate for dining to soft for dancing. A large serving kitchen for dispensing catered foods has two auxiliary serving areas
and dish washing equipment to handle dishes for as many as 2,000. Two storerooms offer more than 4,080 square feet of space. A service elevator to the basement, main floor and mezzanine, a sound room with 16 mm projection facilities, roof exhaust fans and air conditioning and heating all add up to ultra convenience whether a banquet, dance, convention or exhibit is the order.
[Photograph of the inside of the exhibit hall]
AUDITORIUM: Three Separate Facilities
The Auditorium, a large distinct element within the Civic Auditorium, is a theater facility with 3200 fixed, luxurious seats. Accoustical excellence and clear vision to a 10-story, 100-feet wide stage are accorded from a bowled first floor and from the very last row in a stepped balcony. Sloped, angled-walls add to its aesthetical majesty. Practical enhancements include hearing aids at some seats, an elevator-orchestra platform, 16 mm. projector outlets on both floors, men’s and women’s dressing rooms, storage, warm-up, animal and interview rooms adjoining, radio room, check room and other aids to convenience.
[Floor plan of the theater]
The Theater virtually gilds the lily in providing still another choice facility within the overall beauty, practicality and convenience of Civic Auditorium. A theater of 600, all-choice seats, it has picturesque Continental arrangement with no center aisle. Rows are 42 inches apart to provide more-than-ample passage room. The Theatre has its own stage, back-to-back with the larger Auditorium, making back-stage facilities easily-accessible, and its own orchestra pit. The Theater also has its own entrance and ticket windows and separate rest rooms and lounges, so that it may be used independently. Like the other elements, it has its own sound and projection room and its own stage lighting and rigging equipment. Smaller groups for plays, speakers, demonstrations, concerts and the like will find The Theater unsurpassingly inviting.
[Inside Right Panel]
COLISEUM: Convenient, Spacious, Versatile
The Coliseum, known primarily as a sports facility, has indeed been a haven for ice hockey, the Gator Bowl Basketball Tournament, tennis matches, boxing and wrestling events and other such exciting spectator attractions. It has also provided excellent facilities for successful boat shows, trade shows and conventions, fashion shows, dances, pageants, musical concerts and other entertainment programs, an internationally famous ice show and the World’s largest circus. Crowds of more than 12,000 have seen wrestling here and even more attended to hear Billy Graham. Even so, safety is a major factor. The wholly fireproof circular building contains two wide concourses which completely circumnavigate the domed structure. With many aisles and numerous exits, it is easy to evacuate the building rapidly if ever necessary.
[Floor Plan of the Coliseum]
Convenience Is A Watchword at the Coliseum. The same vast parking area which accommodates the Triple-A baseball park and famous Gator Bowl Stadium also provides hundreds of spaces for the Coliseum. Exhibitors, performers and VIPs will discover a back entrance behind a walled private area, where two wide doors admit large equipment directly onto the main floor or into dressing or storage areas. A stage for musicians, speakers or demonstrations has a backstage entrance. The very finest lighting and public address facilities and projection and broadcasting booths are offered. Multiple entrances and exits to the comfortable, padded, fixed seats also have wide staircases and vomitories complete with handrails. The Coliseum, 312 feet in diameter—450 feet along its entrance axis provides excellent accommodations for almost any functions desired.
[Photograph of looking up at the seats in the Colliseum]
Complete Air Conditioning is one of many features which promote comfort and convenience. Several ticket windows are strategically placed at principal entrances. A trained ticket sales staff is available with facilities in the Coliseum main entrance lobby as well as at two downtown locations. Concession stands are placed at convenient intervals all around the upper concourse. Restrooms are likewise available frequently, and located on each floor near entrances to seating areas. A first aid room is part of the main floor. There are several meeting rooms on the lower concourse adjacent to the main floor and near back entrances. Each has telephone service with switchboard assistance during both day and evening. An experienced professional house staff is available to help with technical problems. A local caterer has experience in making an excellent impression at the Coliseum also.
[Photograph of interior of the concourse]
[Back Panel]
[Illustration of a person playing hockey]
Jacksonville had not seen ice hockey—nor many other fascinating things—until the huge, elaborate, attractive Coliseum was built. Since then, several major league ice hockey matches have been played and some citizens have hopes of landing a league franchise for the city soon, When other activity does not use the facilities, local citizens can ice skate the year round.
[Illustration of two people playing basketball]
Such visiting teams as the U.S. Naval Academy, Virginia Polytech and Georgia Tech have won the nationally-known Gator Bowl Basketball Tournament played on the excellent Coliseum floor before thousands in comfortable, padded seats. Even greater future Tournaments are planned before even larger crowds. There is a good view of the large arena floor from every seat in the house.
[Illustration of two people boxing]
Boxing and wrestling are universally popular in this country, but few areas have facilities such as the Coliseum offers. In Jacksonville, wrestling is the box office king, having been outdrawn only by Billy Graham in.the famous preacher's one night stand. Wrestling is weekly, and has drawn more than 10,000 on several occasions. Up to 12,000 good seats are available for ring events.
[Illustration of an elephant]
No extravaganza taxes the Coliseum space and facilities like Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus, which plays annually. This day and age, the Greatest Show On Earth plays only indoors—elephants, high wire acts, parades, horses and all. It can stop only at relatively few cities in the U.S. Jacksonville, with its Coliseum, is easily a favorite choice. No cramped quarters either for animals or stars.
[Illustration of a ballerina]
The growing, thriving metropolis of Jacksonville progressed drastically in cultural potential when the Civic Auditorium was opened in September, 1962. No facilities in the Southeast are better suited for such entertainment as the ballet than these, both from a spectator and performer standpoint. In fact, there are two adequate stages, back to back.
[Illustration of three members of a band]
Outstanding musical entertainment, classical, popular or country style, needs more than a stage and ample seating to be warmly received. All forms of entertainment have drawn plaudits at Civic Auditorium where an intensive effort to afford accoustical excellence has been attained. International experts in the accoustical field success fully concentrated their experience in the 3,200-seat main: auditorium,
[Illustration of a man dressed in period clothing]
Such internationally popular comedies and musicals as ‘Mary, Mary’ and ‘My Fair Lady’, as well as several famous artists, have played in Civic Auditorium. The Auditorium stage is 100 feet wide, 50 feet deep and 85 feet from floor to gridiron. Complete lighting facilities from central control, dressing and storage rooms, interview rooms and an especially air conditioned piano room complement it and the separate 600 seat Theater.
[Illustration of two violinists]
Dramatic events are easily handled and superbly presented in either the Auditorium or Theater. The former has an elevated orchestra platform rising from the basement. Multiple entrances and ticket offices, check rooms and ample, frequently-placed rest rooms add to comfort and convenience. The huge building is air-conditioned throughout.
Chicago Manual of Style
City of Jacksonville (Fla.). Promotional brochure for Jacksonville's City Coliseum and Civic Auditorium, circa 1963. 1963 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/351096>, accessed 4 March 2025.
City of Jacksonville (Fla.). Promotional brochure for Jacksonville's City Coliseum and Civic Auditorium, circa 1963. 1963 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 4 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/351096>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/City of Jacksonville (Fla.))