Warning of the Imminent Threat of a Leprosy Epidemic.
Date: September 5, 1888
Series: S 900 - Florida State Board of Health Record Group.
Subject files, 1875-1975.
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Tampa, Fla. Sept. 5th 1888.
Dr. Hamilton.
Surgeon general.
Dear sir:
about two weeks ago, I wrote
to you from Key West about the state of
Leprosy in that place, including some prin-
ted papers on that subject. In my letter
I asked you for assistance in that matter,
not knowing, and not indicating in what
way or shape you could render the same,
being solely impressed with the fact,
that early and energetic steps must be ta-
ken against this calamity, which never
can be expected of that incredible indolence
of Keywesters.
By my efforts in the investigation of Lepra
those people however understood, that some
day, these poor numerous sufferers surely
will be removed and separated [sic].