Pestilence, Potions, and Persistence Early Florida Medicine
Early Hospitals
Marine Hospital Service
Even before the establishment of the State Board of Health in 1889, the Marine Hospital Service maintained quarantine and inspection facilities at several ports. The federal presence as a protector against diseases at Florida's ports remained in place after the founding of the Board, and the many army and naval bases all required health infrastructure.
United States Marine hospital and quarantine station: Mullet Key, Florida (ca. 1915)
Image number: PR07439
Polk County Hospital for indigents and blacks (ca. 1926)
Image number: PR08707
Hospital number 2: Jacksonville, Florida (1864)
Image number: Rc02588
Quarantine station for Fort Jefferson: Dry Tortugas, Florida (1900)
Image number: Rc05174
Sand Hills Hospital: Jacksonville, Florida (1888)
Image number: RC08320
View of white female convalescent yard, Florida State Hospital (1905)
Image number: PR01531
Florida State Hospital staff in late nineteenth century: Chattahoochee, Florida (c. 1890)
Image number: N028803