A Guide to Civil War Records
at the State Archives of Florida

The purpose of this guide is to identify and describe the state, federal, and private records pertaining to Florida’s Civil War era (1860-1865) housed at the State Archives of Florida. We hope this guide will assist and promote research into this time period.
Published and Unpublished Works
- Allen, Alexander A. Allen’s Journal: A Trip Along the Georgia-Florida Boundary June 14-July 22, 1854. Eds. Christy T. Trowell and Frances R. Trowell. Occasional Paper from South Georgia No. 6., 1984.
- Bearss, Edwin. “Civil War Operations in and Around Pensacola.” Florida Historical Quarterly 36 (October 1957).
- Bearss, Edwin. “Civil War Operations in and Around Pensacola Part II.” Florida Historical Quarterly 39 (January 1961).
- Bearss, Edwin. “Civil War Operations in and Around Pensacola Part III.” Florida Historical Quarterly 39 (April 1961).
- Bickel, Karl. “Robert E. Lee in Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 27 (July 1948).
- Bittle, George Cassel. “In the Defense of Florida: The Organized Florida Militia From 1821-1920.” Phd Dissertation: Florida State University, 1965.
- Bittle, George Cassel. “Florida Prepares for War, 1860-1861.” Florida Historical Quarterly 51 (October 1972).
- Black, Hugh. Letters of Captain Hugh Black to His Family in Florida during the War Between the States, 1862-1864. Compiled by Elizabeth Caldwell Frano. Newbury, 1998.
- Blakely, Arch, Ann Smith Lainhart, and Winston Bryant Stephens, Jr. ed, Rose Cottage Chronicles: Civil War Letters of the Bryant-Stephens of North Florida. Gainesville: University of Press of Florida, 1998.
- Boyd, Mark F. “The Joint Operations of the Federal Army and Navy Near St. Marks.” Florida Historical Quarterly 29 (October 1950).
- Boyd, Mark F. Federal Campaign of 1864 in East Florida. Tallahassee: Florida Board of Parks and Historical Memorials, 1951.
- Brackett, John Matthew. “’The Naples of America,’ Pensacola During the Civil War and Reconstruction.” MA Thesis: Florida State University, 2005.
- Breeze, Lawrence. “The Battle of Olustee: Its Meaning for the British.” Florida Historical Quarterly 43 (January 1965).
- Broadwater, Robert. The Battle of Olustee, 1864: The Final Union Attempt to Seize Florida. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2006.
- Brown, Canter, Jr. “The Civil War, 1861-1865” in The New History of Florida. edited by Michael Gannond, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996.
- Buker, George. Blockaders, Refugees, & Contrabands: Civil War on Florida's Gulf Coast, 1861-1865. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
- Burdett, Susan. “The Military Career of Brigadier-General Joseph Finegan of Florida.” M.A. Thesis: Columbia University, 1930.
- Carlson, Charlie. The First Florida Cavalry Regiment. C.S.A. Luthers: New Smyrna Beach, 1999.
- Cash, William T. “Taylor County History and Civil War Deserters.” Florida Historical Quarterly 27 (July 1948).
- Chipley, W.D. Pensacola: The Naples of America. Pensacola: Pfieffer Printing, 1962 Originally published 1877.
- Cleveland, Mary Ann. “Florida Women in the Civil War,” in Florida Decades—A Sesquicentennial History, 1845-1995. edited by James Horgan and Lewis N. Wynne. St. Leo: St. Leo College Press, 1995.
- Coles, David. “’A Fight, a Licking, and a Footrace’: The 1864 Florida Campaign and The Battle of Olustee.” MA thesis: Florida State University, 1985.
- Coles, David. “Ancient City Defenders: The St. Augustine Blues.” El Escribano (1986).
- Coles, David. “Far From Fields of Glory: Military Operations in Florida During the Civil War, 1864-1865.” PhD dissertation: Florida State University, 1996.
- Coles, David. “They Fought Like Devils: Black Troops in Florida During the Civil War,” in Florida’s Heritage of Diversity—Essays in Honor of Samuel Proctor Tallahassee: Sentry press, 1997.
- Coles, David. “Florida's Seed Corn: The History of the West Florida Seminary During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 77 (Winter 1999).
- Coles, David and David Hartman. Biographical Rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union Soldiers, 1861-1865. Wilmington NC: Broadfoot Publishing, 1995.
- Coles, David and Richard J. Ferry. “ ‘The Smallest Tadpole’: Florida in the Civil War.” State Archives of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida.
- Confederate Muster Rolls Survey. Introductory Chapters from Florida in the War Between the States. 1938.
- Cortada, James. “Florida's Relations with Cuba During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 59 (July 1980).
- Coski, John M., Ed. “I Am In Anything For Success: The Letters of Sergeant Archie Livingston 3rd Florida Infantry.” North and South VI (April 2003).
- Cushman, Joseph. “The Episcopal Church in Florida During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 38 (April 1960).
- Cushman, Joseph. “The Blockade and Fall of Apalachicola, 1861-1862.” Florida Historical Quarterly 41 (July 1962).
- Dancy, James. “Reminiscences of the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 37 (July 1938).
- Davis, Horance Gibbs. “Florida Journalism During the Civil War.” M.A. Thesis: University of Florida, 1952.
- Davis, William W. The Civil War and Reconstruction in Florida. New York: Columbia University, 1913.
- Davis, William C. Look Away!: A History of the Confederate States of America. New York: Free Press, 2002.
- Dickison, John J. Battle of Olustee. Lake City: Columbia Publications, 1986.
- Dickison, John J. “Military History of Florida.” In Confederate Military History, vol. 11, part 2, edited by Clement Evans. Atlanta: Confederate Publishing Company, 1898 (reprint: Wilmington: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1989).
- Dickison, Mary Elizabeth. Dickison and his Men: Reminiscences of the War in Florida. Louisville, KY: Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 1890.
- Dillon, Rodney E., Jr. “South Florida in 1860.” Florida Historical Quarterly 60 (April 1982).
- Dodd, Dorothy. “The Manufacture of Cotton in Florida Before and During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 13 (July 1934).
- Dodd, Dorothy. Florida in the War, 1861-1865. Tallahassee, 1959.
- Doherty, Herbert. “Union Nationalism in Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 29 (October 1950).
- Doty, Franklin. “The Civil War letters of Augustus Henry Mathers, Asst. Surgeon, Fourth Florida Regiment, CSA.” Florida Historical Quarterly 36 (October 1957).
- East, Omega. “St. Augustine During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 31 (October 1952).
- Farley, Charlotte. Florida's Alamo: The Battle of Marianna. 1981.
- Ferry, Richard. The General's Tour: The Battle of Olustee Columbus, Ohio. Blue & Gray Enterprises, Inc., 1986.
- Fleming, Francis P. Memoir of Capt. C. Seton Fleming, of the Second Florida Infantry, C. S. A.: Illustrative of the History of the Florida Troops in Virginia During the War Between the States, with Appendix of the Casualties. Jacksonville: Times Union Publishing House, 1884.
- Florida. Dept. Of Military Affairs. Civil War in Florida: Confederate History Series. St. Augustine, 1992.
- Fretwell, Jacqueline K. ed. Civil War Times in St. Augustine. Port Salerno: Florida Classics Library, 1988.
- Futch, Ovid. “Salmon P. Chase and Civil War Politics in Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 32 (January 1954).
- Gammon, William Lamar. “Governor John Milton of Florida, Confederate States of America.” M.A. thesis: University of Florida, 1948.
- Gannon, Michael. New Florida History. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996.
- Garrell, Allen. The Civil War In and Around St. Marks, Florida. 1993.
- Garrell, Allen. Kilcrease Light Artillery. 1998.
- Gaske, Fred. Florida in the Civil War, 1860-1865: a Bibliography of Sources. 1981.
- Gibbs, B. F. “Account of the Epidemic of the Yellow Fever Which Visited the Pensacola Navy Yard in the Summer and Autumn of 1863.” American Journal of Medical Science 51 (April 1866).
- Green, Elna. “Protecting Confederate Soldiers and Mothers: Pensions, Gender, and the Welfare State in the U.S. South, a Case Study from Florida.” Journal of Social History 39 (Summer 2006).
- Groene, Bertram. “Civil War Letters of Colonel David Lang.” Florida Historical Quarterly 54 (January 1976).
- Hadd, Donald R. “Irony of Secession.” Florida Historical Quarterly 41 (July 1862).
- Hartman, David. Biographical rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union soldiers, 1861-1865. Wilmington: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1995.
- Haulman, C.A. “Changes in the Economic Power Structure in Duval County, Florida, During the Civil War and Reconstruction.” Florida Historical Quarterly 52 (October 1973).
- Havard, William C. “The Florida Executive Council, 1862.” Florida Historical Quarterly 33 (October 1954).
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Army Life in a Black Regiment. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870.
- Hillhouse, Don. Heavy Artillery & Light Infantry: A History of the 1st Florida Special Battalion & 10th Florida Infantry Regiment. Rome, GA: 1992.
- Holland, Keith V, et al. The Maple Leaf: An Extraordinary American Civil War Shipwreck. Jacksonville: St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions, Inc. 1993.
- Hodges, Ellen and Stephen Kerber. "'Rogues And Black Hearted Scamps': Civil War Letters of Winston and Octavia Stephens, 1862-1863.” Florida Historical Quarterly 57 (July 1958).
- Inglis, John L. “Commander, Florida Division UVC,” in Confederate Veteran XXII. Reprinted, Wilmington: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1987.
- Johns, John Edwards. “Florida in the Confederacy.” M.A. Thesis: University of North Carolina, 1958.
- Johns, John Edwards. Florida in the Civil War. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1963.
- Johnson, Dudley. “The Florida Railroad after the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 47 (January 1969).
- Jones, Allen. “Military Events in Florida During the Civil War , 1861-1865.” Florida Historical Quarterly 39 (July 1960).
- Jones, James P. “Lincoln’s Courier: John L. Worden’s Mission to Fort Pickens.” Florida Historical Quarterly 41 (October 1962).
- Kenneson, Claude. Civil War Camps in Leon County, Florida. Tallahassee, 2004.
- Latona, David J. “Florida’s Civil War Home Front and the Deficiency of Confederate Nationalism.” M.A. thesis: University of Central Florida, 2004.
- Loderhouse, Gary. What's in a Name?: The Attack on Fort Myers. Cape Coral: Posterity Press, 1998.
- Loderhouse, Gary. Far, Far from Home: The Ninth Florida Regiment in the Confederate Army. Carmel, Ind.: Guild Press, 1999.
- Loderhouse, Gary. Way Down Upon the Suwannee River: Sketches of Florida During the Civil War. San Jose: Authors Choice Press, 2000.
- Lonn, Ella. “The Extent and Importance of Federal Naval Raids on Salt-Making in Florida, 1862-1865.” Florida Historical Quarterly 10 (April 1932).
- Lucas, Marion. “ Civil War Career of Colonel George Washington Scott.” Florida Historical Quarterly 58 (October 1979).
- Macomber, Robert N. Honorable Mention: The Continuing Exploits of Lt. Peter Wake, United States Navy. Sarasota: Pineapple Press, 2004.
- Martin, Richard. “Defeat in Victory: Yankee Experience in Early Civil War Jacksonville.” Florida Historical Quarterly 53 (July 1974).
- Martin, Richard. “The New York Times Views Civil War Jacksonville.” Florida Historical Quarterly 53 (April 1975).
- Martin, Richard and Daniel Schafer. Jacksonville's Ordeal by Fire: a Civil War History. Jacksonville: Florida Publishing Co., 1984.
- McPherson, James. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
- Moylan, Majorie. Walton County and the War Between the States. San Rafael, Ca: 2002.
- Murphree, Ridgeway Boyd. “Rebel Sovereigns: The Civil War Leadership of Governors John Milton of Florida and Joseph E. Brown of Georgia, 1861-1865.” PhD Dissertations: Florida State University, 2006.
- Nichols, Richard S. “Florida’s Fighting Rebels: A Military History of Florida’s Civil War Troops.” M. A. Thesis: Florida State University, 1967.
- Nolan, Terence. History of Fort Clinch, Fernandina, Florida. Tallahassee: Division of Archives, History and Records Management, Bureau of Historic Sites and Properties, 1974.
- Nulty, William. Confederate Florida: The Road to Olustee. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990.
- Paisley, Clifton. “Tallahassee through the Storebooks: War Clouds and War, 1860-1863.” Florida Historical Society, 51 (July 1972).
- Parker, Daisy. “John Milton, Governor of Florida, 1861-1865.” M.A. thesis: University of Virginia, 1940.
- Parker, Daisy. “John Milton, Governor of Florida: A Loyal Confederate.” Florida Historical Quarterly 20 (April 1942).
- Parks, Virginia. Pensacola in the Civil War. Pensacola: Pensacola Historical Society, 1978.
- Parks, Virginia. “The Relief of Fort Pickens.” Pensacola Historical Quarterly Volume IX (2000).
- Parks, Virginia, and Sandra Johnson, ed. Civil War Views of Pensacola. Pensacola: Pensacola Historical Society, 1993.
- Pearce, George. Pensacola During the Civil War: a Thorn in the Side of the Confederacy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000.
- Porter, Kenneth. “Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco) in the Civil War (Part II).” Florida Historical Quarterly 47 (April 1967).
- Price, Marcus. “Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Georgia and East Florida Ports, 1861-1865.” American Neptune 15 (1955).
- Proctor, Samuel. “Jacksonville During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 41 (April 1963).
- Proctor, Samuel ed. Florida: A Hundred Years Ago. Coral Gables: Florida Civil War Centennial Commission, 1965.
- Reddick, Henry W. Seventy-Seven Years In Dixie: the Boys in Gray of 61-65. Santa Rosa, 1910.
- Reiger, John E. “Deprivation, Disaffection, and Desertion in Confederate Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 48 (January 1970).
- Revels, Tracy. “Grander in Her Daughters: Florida's Women During the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 7 (Winter 1999).
- Revels, Tracy. Grander in Her Daughters: Florida’s Women During the Civil War. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004.
- Rick, Alan. Florida in the Civil War: 1860 Through Reconstruction. Pensacola: 1961.
- Robertson, Fred L. Compiler. Soldiers of Florida. Tallahassee, 1904.
- Robinson, Calvin. A Yankee in a Confederate Town. Sarasota: Pineapple Press, 2002.
- Rogers, William Warren “Florida on the Eve of the Civil War as Seen by a Southern Reporter.” Florida Historical Quarterly 39 (October 1960).
- Schafer, Daniel. “Freedom Was as Close as the River: African Americans and the Civil War in Northeast Florida,” in African American Heritage of Florida edited by David R. Colburn and Jane L. Landers. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1995.
- Schmidt, Lewis. The Civil War in Florida: a Military History. Allentown: L.G. Schmidt, 1989.
- Sheppard, Jonathan C. “Everyday Soldiers: the Florida Brigade of the West, 1861-1862.” MA Thesis: Florida State University, 2004.
- Shepherd, D. William, ed. Florida Soldiers in the Civil War: A Reprint of Part II: Florida in the War Between the States, 1861-1865, Extracted from Soldiers of Florida Published by the State of Florida in 1903. Panama City, FL: Norfield Publishing, 1998.
- Shofner, Jerrell H. and William Warren Rogers. “Confederate Railroad Construction: The Live Oak to Lawton Connector.” Florida Historical Quarterly 43 (January 1965).
- Solomon, Irving D. “Southern Extremities: The Significance of Fort Myers in the Civil War.” Florida Historical Quarterly 72 (October 1993).
- Solomon, Irving D., and Grace Erhart. “Race and Civil War in South Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 77 (Winter 1999).
- Staudenraus, P.J. “A War Correspondents View of St. Augustine and Fernandina: 1863.” Florida Historical Society 41 (July 1962).
- Schwartz, Gerald “An Integrated Free School In Civil War Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly 61 (October 1961).
- Strickland, Alice “Blockade Runners.” Florida Historical Quarterly 36 (October 1957).
- Taylor, Paul. Discovering the Civil War in Florida. Sarasota: Pineapple Press, 2001.
- Taylor, Robert. Rebel Storehouse: Florida in the Confederate Economy. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1995.
- Tebeau, Charlton. A History of Florida. Coral Gables: University of Miami Press, 1971.
- Turner, Shane “Rearguard of the Confederacy: The Second Florida Infantry Regiment.” M.A. Thesis: Florida State University, 2005.
- Uhler, Margaret Anderson. “Civil War Letters of Major General James Patton Anderson.” Florida Historical Quarterly 56 (October 1977).
- Waters, Zack C. “Tell Them I Died Like a Confederate Soldier: Finegan’s Florida Brigade at Cold Harbor.” Florida Historical Quarterly 69 (October 1990).
- Watson, Robert. Civil War Diaries: Robert Watson and Samuel Lowry. St. Augustine 1992.
- Watson, Robert. Southern Service on Land & Sea: The Wartime Journal of Robert Watson, CSA/CSN. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2002.
- Weinberg, Sydney J. “Slavery and Secession in Florida, 1845-1861.” M.A. thesis: University of Florida, 1940.
- White, Virgil. Register of Florida CSA Pension Applications. Waynesboro, TN: National Historical Publishing, 1989.
- Williamson, Edward C. “Francis P. Fleming in the War for Southern Independence: Letters from the Front.” Florida Historical Quarterly 28 (July 1949).
- Willis, Lee. “Secession Sanctified: Bishop Francis Huger Rutledge and the Coming of the Civil War in Florida.” Florida Historical Quarterly (July 2004).
- Wooster, Ralph A. “The Florida Secession Convention.” Florida Historical Quarterly 36 (April 1958).
- Works Progress Administration. Military Dispatches, Headquarters, District of Middle Florida, August 10, 1865-September 25, 1865. Jacksonville: Historical Records Survey, 1938.
- Wynne, Lewis and Robert A. Taylor. Florida in the Civil War. Charleston: Arcadia Press, 2001.
Civil War in Florida Web Resources
- National Archives Guide to Researching the Civil War
- Florida in the Civil War
- State Library of Florida Civil War bibliography
- National Park Service’s Guide to Civil War Battles in Florida
- Explore Florida in the Civil War (Office of Cultural Affairs)
- South Florida in the Civil War
- Florida’s Role in the Civil War (Exploring Florida)
- Civil War in Florida (PALMM’s Florida Heritage Collection)
- Civil War Military Units in Florida (FSU)
- Civil War in North Florida
- United State Civil War Center (LSU)
- The Civil War Homepage
- Civil War Archaeology at SEAC (NPS facility in Tallahassee)
- Maple Leaf Shipwreck
- Civil War Florida
- Florida Reenactors News Magazine