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NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center Spaceport Public Welcome Brochure, 1968
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Trained escorts accompany visitors during the bus tours which require approximately 2 hours, 15 minutes. Recorded commentaries explain operations at the launch base and describe unique facilties. While route changes occasionally become necessary because of tests or launch operations, visitors may expect to see most of the following:
VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING -- one of the world's largest structures in volume, 716 feet long, 518 feet wide and 525 feet high. Apollo/Saturn V lunar exploration vehicles are prepared for launch in this building.
MOBILE LAUNCHERS -- movable launch platformers 445 feet high and weighing more than 10,000,000 pounds, on which the Saturn V rockets are assembled and from which they are launched.
TRANSPORTERS -- squart, track-propelled vehicles whcih carry the fully assembled Saturn V cehicles and Mobile Launchers from the assembly building to the launch stie. They can move 18,000,000 pounds.
MOBILE SERVICE STRUCTURE -- employed in final preparations of the Apollo/Saturn V at the launch pad, 404 feet tall, wighing 9,400,000 pounds.
COMPLEX 26 -- Air Force display of rockets.
COMPLEX 17 -- launch for unmanned spacecraft including TIROS, Telstar, Early Bird, Explorer, Relay and other satellites.
COMPLEX 36 -- Centaur launch site for Surveyor spacecraft to the Moon, earth orbiting scientific satellites, and Mariner/Mars missions.
COMPLEXES 12 AND 13 -- where Agena vehicles launched Ranger and Lunar Orbiter spacecraft to the Moon.
COMPLEX 56 -- from which the first U.S. manned rocket flights occurred.
Apolla/Saturn V Rocket leaves Vehicle Assembly Building
COMPLEX 14 -- site of the manned Mercury launches by John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Walter Schirra, Gordon Cooper.
COMPLEX 19 -- site of the manned Gemini launches.
COMPLEX 34 AND 37 -- launch pads for Apollo/Saturn IB manned and unmanned spacecraft.
COMPLEXES 41 AND 42 -- employed by the U.S. Air Force to launch Titan III C space vehicles.
The tour offers opportunity to photograph these and other structures in which astronauts complete their flight training, the Project Mercury Mission Control center and buildings, where manned spacecraft are tested in altitude chambers, and scientific satellites and space probes and prepared for launching.
Geographic Term
John F. Kennedy Space Center
NASA welcomes the public to the Kennedy Space Center.
The Federal installation is located on Merritt Island, Florida, adjacent to Cape Kennedy. A Visitor Center, where the public may view films and exhibits, is open daily except on Christmas Day and when major launches occur. Parking is available for 1,000 vehicles.
Escorted bus tours are conducted for NASA by Trans World Airlines, providing the opporunity to the public to see launch sites and other facilties on the Spaceport and Cape Kennedy. Modest feest are charged, as listed on the back page, to defray the cost of escort services and buses. Tickets may by purchased only at the Visitor Center where the tours begin and end.
The Visitor Center and tours are designed to enhance understanding of the national space program. NASA launches unmanned and manned spacecraft to explore outer space and to add to our knowledge of the Earth and Universe.
Approximately 800,000 person, including many from other countries, enjoyed the daily bus tours since they began in July, 1966. Visitor are permitted to drive their autos through the two installations - the Spaceport and Cape Kennedy - only on Sundays.
Visitor Information Center
Trained escorts accompany visitors during the bus tours which require approximately 2 hours, 15 minutes. Recorded commentaries explain operations at the launch base and describe unique facilties. While route changes occasionally become necessary because of tests or launch operations, visitors may expect to see most of the following:
VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING -- one of the world's largest structures in volume, 716 feet long, 518 feet wide and 525 feet high. Apollo/Saturn V lunar exploration vehicles are prepared for launch in this building.
MOBILE LAUNCHERS -- movable launch platformers 445 feet high and weighing more than 10,000,000 pounds, on which the Saturn V rockets are assembled and from which they are launched.
TRANSPORTERS -- squart, track-propelled vehicles whcih carry the fully assembled Saturn V cehicles and Mobile Launchers from the assembly building to the launch stie. They can move 18,000,000 pounds.
MOBILE SERVICE STRUCTURE -- employed in final preparations of the Apollo/Saturn V at the launch pad, 404 feet tall, wighing 9,400,000 pounds.
COMPLEX 26 -- Air Force display of rockets.
COMPLEX 17 -- launch for unmanned spacecraft including TIROS, Telstar, Early Bird, Explorer, Relay and other satellites.
COMPLEX 36 -- Centaur launch site for Surveyor spacecraft to the Moon, earth orbiting scientific satellites, and Mariner/Mars missions.
COMPLEXES 12 AND 13 -- where Agena vehicles launched Ranger and Lunar Orbiter spacecraft to the Moon.
COMPLEX 56 -- from which the first U.S. manned rocket flights occurred.
Apolla/Saturn V Rocket leaves Vehicle Assembly Building
COMPLEX 14 -- site of the manned Mercury launches by John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Walter Schirra, Gordon Cooper.
COMPLEX 19 -- site of the manned Gemini launches.
COMPLEX 34 AND 37 -- launch pads for Apollo/Saturn IB manned and unmanned spacecraft.
COMPLEXES 41 AND 42 -- employed by the U.S. Air Force to launch Titan III C space vehicles.
The tour offers opportunity to photograph these and other structures in which astronauts complete their flight training, the Project Mercury Mission Control center and buildings, where manned spacecraft are tested in altitude chambers, and scientific satellites and space probes and prepared for launching.
The map is for your reference use and indicates the main routes fo travel leading to the Center. The nearest air terminals are in Melbourne and Orlando.
The Visitor Center contains an exhibit and display area, theaters, sanitary facilities, a snack bar, and a sales area where souvenirs, publications, and photographs my be purchased.
The Visitor Center program is free of charge. There is no obligation to take the bus tour of the Spaceport and Cape Kennedy.
At the conclusion of his tour, the visitor has the option of returning to his auto or devoting additional time to viewing displays and exhibits.
Located at Kennedy Space Center
approximately six miles of east of U.S.1
south of Titusville, Floirda
8 a.m. till darkness, daily, Closed Dec. 25 and when major launches occur.
No Admission Charge.
Guided bus tours of the Spaceport depart from the Visitor Information Center terminal every 30 minutes, starting at 8:00 a.m. daily, with more frequent departures during peak demand perious.
Last tour each day starts 2hrs., 15 mins. before darkness; approximately:
6:00 p.m. during summer
3:00 p.m.
Adults $2.50
Youths (12-18 years) 1.25
children (3-11 years with an adult) .50
Children under 3 years free
Active duty military personnel 1.25
Student groups of 20 or more:
Through Junior High .50
Above Junior High and
other student groups 1.00
Charter buses 20 or more person
(When using own bus) 25% reduction
NOTE: Private vehicles may drive through the Spaceport and Cape Kennedy Air Force Station only on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Escorted bus tours are also available on Sundays.
Chicago Manual of Style
NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center Spaceport Public Welcome Brochure, 1968. 1968-04-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326737>, accessed 15 March 2025.
NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center Spaceport Public Welcome Brochure, 1968. 1968-04-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 15 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326737>
AP Style Photo Citation