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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - March 21, 1915
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ones if possible.
Well I guess Mother has the money she was looking for but when she is [coming] I have no idea. She seems to think that we need her. [O]f course she would help a lot but we can manage pretty well alone. Dad misses her most.
Dad has finished the house he was on and is going to start another Tuesday, it is a little affair compared to the one he just built but [every] little bit helps.
Davenport, Fla., Mar. 21, 1915.
Dear Sister:
I suppose you are beginning to get [peeved] because I have delayed answering again. It seems that I have so bloomen[sic] [much] correspondence to look after that someone [occasionally] gets neglected because of the Homestead. You see I [can't] very well write out there for I am trying to get a
little [education] on the side. Have been taking an I.C.S. course in civil engineering. Began it last October. Have a good bit of studying to do and right-smart of riten[sic]. As a favor to me you might keep the fact just disclosed, on the -QT- am not crazy about [advertising] it.
How are my dogs [coming]? Have you got them started yet? Say as to color I [prefer] spotted
ones if possible.
Well I guess Mother has the money she was looking for but when she is [coming] I have no idea. She seems to think that we need her. [O]f course she would help a lot but we can manage pretty well alone. Dad misses her most.
Dad has finished the house he was on and is going to start another Tuesday, it is a little affair compared to the one he just built but [every] little bit helps.
I soon hope to have a motor boat. I bought the engine that [I] told you about in a previous letter and am waiting for repairs. Expect them here by the last of the week. Hope to have some time with the little craft. Will tell you about it later when I get to splitting the waves with it.
I just [received] a lite from grandpa Bevins, (via Sketer)
he seems to be feeling pretty well for him.
I just got a card from California got a balling out on it because I was slow about writing. Darn it - there are some places that you can't slow up on - Have to be as punctual as Jesus.
I may go to Haines City Thursday to play ball. Don't know for [certain] yet [whether] we can get a game or not but
here's hoping.
Well how is my little sister keeping up with the times been to any more of those Devil infested dances where innocence enters not? I was to a hop a couple of weeks ago. [Don't] have em often here.
There was a home talent play here last Friday. I [didn't] get in to see it but I heard it was a P.C. You know home talents are as a rule pretty bum but this seems
to be an exception. They go to Haines City Thursday and [i]f we get that game I can take it in there.
Why no Art [hasn't] any girl. He is a queer duck but then he may get loose sometime. As for me. Well I correspond with a half a dozen but the song "Distance only lends enchantment" has got the [wrong] idea. Mighty little good it does me when there are anyway from 50 to 2000
miles away. There is but little pleasure in this long distance spooning. You see I [haven't] any [steadies] around here.
[G]ee it is getting most time for me to take myself to the Homestead so here's to you.
Hoping you can read this epistle without trouble I am forever and always
Your Loving Brother
P.S. about cider -- Wait until I get my still -- Moon-Shine for me. gees[sic] I don't care if mother never gets back[.] AKB
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - March 21, 1915. March 21, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326898>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - March 21, 1915. March 21, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326898>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)